Flight Details



Pilot: GLD981 Pedro A. Aircraft: Carenado PC12_v1.3 Gold Distance: 198NM
From: SBAR To: SBMO Duration: 1.45
Validation: Valid Tipo: Regular Tail Number: PR-GPA
ZFW: 6255 Block Fuel/Init FOB 833flight_details.php/0 Flight Fuel 833
Passengers: 9 Cargo: 1940 Alternate: SBRF
Departure Time: 2142 Cruise Speed: 240 Flight Level: FL050
Flight Type: IFR Aircraft Type: PC12 Weight Unit: Kg
Date: 26/10/2023 Comments: GOLD ACARS Network: VATSIM
Crash: No Validator Comments: Rating 77.805




Crash OK Beacon Lights off with engine on OK Speed above 250KIAS below 10.000ft OK
Landing Lights OFF below 10.000ft OK Landing Lights ON above 10.000ft OK Stall Fault
Overspeed OK Pause OK Refuel OK
Slew OK Taxi Lights OFF during taxi OK Land Lights OFF during take off OK
Landing Lights OFF during landing OK Landed in not planned airfield OK Taxi speed above 25 kt OK
Incorrect QNH during take off OK Incorrect QNH during landing OK


Wind: 60º/5 kt Heading: 98
VS: -789 ft/min IAS: 70 kt
Gforce: 0.864 G Bank: -1.5
Pitch 7.68 Flaps 100
Nav Lights ON Landing Lights ON
Beacon Lights ON Strobe Lights ON




2023-10-26 21:42:23 GOLD ACARS VERSION
2023-10-26 21:42:23 BOARDING0-22
2023-10-26 21:44:49 NAV LIGHTS ON023
2023-10-26 21:44:50 BCN LIGHTS ON023
2023-10-26 21:45:43 STARTING ENGINE 1023
2023-10-26 21:50:19 TAXI LIGHTS ON023
2023-10-26 21:53:10 TAXI TO THE RWY623
2023-10-26 21:56:51 FLAP 33%223
2023-10-26 21:57:10 LND LIGHTS ON123
2023-10-26 21:57:11 STB LIGHTS ON123
2023-10-26 21:57:12 TAXI LIGHTS OFF123
2023-10-26 21:59:15 AP ENGAGED10727
2023-10-26 21:59:16 CLIMBING11136
2023-10-26 21:59:43 GEAR UP95774
2023-10-26 21:59:59 FLAP 0%881216
2023-10-26 22:02:11 CRUISE1544974
2023-10-26 22:28:09 DESCEND1854956
2023-10-26 22:35:10 GEAR DOWN1701509
2023-10-26 22:35:40 FLAP 33%1451127
2023-10-26 22:36:00 FLAP 66%118894
2023-10-26 22:37:03 GEAR UP107620
2023-10-26 22:37:11 FLAP 33%109624
2023-10-26 22:37:29 FLAP 0%137625
2023-10-26 22:37:37 CLIMBING153617
2023-10-26 22:39:35 CRUISE1723971
2023-10-26 22:54:32 DESCEND1383989
2023-10-26 23:00:48 GEAR DOWN1461873
2023-10-26 23:01:54 FLAP 33%1341156
2023-10-26 23:02:25 FLAP 66%111823
2023-10-26 23:02:43 FLAP 100%93666
2023-10-26 23:02:45 AP DISENGAGED91651
2023-10-26 23:03:10 STALL74445
2023-10-26 23:03:13 LANDED - VS: -789 ft/min 69405
2023-10-26 23:03:13 RECOVER FROM STALL69405
2023-10-26 23:03:20 AT THE GATE29395
2023-10-26 23:03:38 FLAP 66%3395
2023-10-26 23:03:38 FLAP 33%3395
2023-10-26 23:05:19 FLAP 0%0391
2023-10-26 23:05:36 STB LIGHTS OFF0391
2023-10-26 23:05:37 LND LIGHTS OFF0391
2023-10-26 23:05:37 TAXI LIGHTS ON0391
2023-10-26 23:08:15 STOPPING ENGINE 10394
2023-10-26 23:08:27 BCN LIGHTS OFF0394
2023-10-26 23:08:59 NAV LIGHTS OFF0394
2023-10-26 23:09:27 FLIGHT FINISHED0394


2023-10-26 21:44:240023026BOARDING
2023-10-26 21:45:240023026BOARDING
2023-10-26 21:46:250023026BOARDING
2023-10-26 21:47:250023026BOARDING
2023-10-26 21:48:260023126BOARDING
2023-10-26 21:49:260023126BOARDING
2023-10-26 21:50:270023226BOARDING
2023-10-26 21:51:270023226BOARDING
2023-10-26 21:52:280023326BOARDING
2023-10-26 21:53:289823326BOARDING
2023-10-26 21:54:29141923426TAXI TO THE RWY
2023-10-26 21:55:30101423426TAXI TO THE RWY
2023-10-26 21:56:300023526TAXI TO THE RWY
2023-10-26 21:57:312023626TAXI TO THE RWY
2023-10-26 21:58:31171522726TAXI TO THE RWY
2023-10-26 21:59:32103964521026TAXI TO THE RWY
2023-10-26 22:00:32979821701422CLIMBING
2023-10-26 22:01:3313114640701918CLIMBING
2023-10-26 22:02:3418319950052316CLIMBING
2023-10-26 22:03:3421423150012716CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:04:3522124049993116CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:05:3522324149993516CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:06:3622224149994016CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:07:3622124049994416CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:08:3722224149984816CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:09:3722124249985216CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:10:3822324149995616CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:11:3822224249986016CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:12:3922324249996416CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:13:3922224249986816CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:14:4022424249996916CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:15:4022124249987416CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:16:4122124149977815CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:17:4222224149978215CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:18:4222324049988614CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:19:4322324050009114CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:20:4322324050009514CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:21:4422324050009914CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:22:44223240500010314CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:23:45223240500010814CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:24:45223240499911214CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:25:46223240499911614CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:26:46223240499912014CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:27:47200214499512414CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:28:47175187463312514CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:29:48168187416112715DESCEND
2023-10-26 22:30:48148162399612816DESCEND
2023-10-26 22:31:49137149396613016DESCEND
2023-10-26 22:32:50174179312413118DESCEND
2023-10-26 22:33:50173174219813220DESCEND
2023-10-26 22:34:51168169181613420DESCEND
2023-10-26 22:35:51129126100013522DESCEND
2023-10-26 22:36:5210310061213723DESCEND
2023-10-26 22:37:53159159106314122DESCEND
2023-10-26 22:38:53162170287814618CLIMBING
2023-10-26 22:39:54185205399915016CLIMBING
2023-10-26 22:40:54191203400615316CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:41:55179189399515516CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:42:55149153400215716CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:43:56138153399815816CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:44:56133152400215916CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:45:57131137400016116CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:46:57133139399716216CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:47:58134148400416416CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:48:59136151399916516CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:49:59135144400416716CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:51:00136145400116816CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:52:00136155400017016CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:53:01137156399917116CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:54:02137156399917316CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:55:02151170375317416CRUISE
2023-10-26 22:56:03164181325917617DESCEND
2023-10-26 22:57:03167182276017718DESCEND
2023-10-26 22:58:04164177225017920DESCEND
2023-10-26 22:59:04142144219818020DESCEND
2023-10-26 23:00:05135136215118120DESCEND
2023-10-26 23:01:05139137172418321DESCEND
2023-10-26 23:02:06123120102718422DESCEND
2023-10-26 23:03:06797547618523DESCEND
2023-10-26 23:04:07131139518623DESCEND
2023-10-26 23:05:071639118723AT THE GATE
2023-10-26 23:06:080039118723AT THE GATE
2023-10-26 23:07:0991339318823AT THE GATE
2023-10-26 23:08:090039418923AT THE GATE
2023-10-26 23:09:100039418923AT THE GATE