Flight Details



Pilot: GLD1287 Leandro T. Aircraft: Cessna Distance: 118NM
From: PGBP To: PGZT Duration: 1.08
Validation: Valid Tipo: Charter Tail Number: PT-GLD
ZFW: 2159 Block Fuel/Init FOB 76flight_details.php/0 Flight Fuel 76
Passengers: 1 Cargo: 50 Alternate: PGBP
Departure Time: 1517 Cruise Speed: 120 Flight Level: A045
Flight Type: VFR Aircraft Type: C172 Weight Unit: Kg
Date: 11/06/2023 Comments: GOLD ACARS Network: VATSIM
Crash: No Validator Comments: Rating 119.548


ROUTE 0545S05450W 0553S05516W 0602S05541W


Crash OK Beacon Lights off with engine on Fault Speed above 250KIAS below 10.000ft OK
Landing Lights OFF below 10.000ft OK Landing Lights ON above 10.000ft OK Stall OK
Overspeed OK Pause OK Refuel OK
Slew OK Taxi Lights OFF during taxi OK Land Lights OFF during take off OK
Landing Lights OFF during landing OK Landed in not planned airfield OK Taxi speed above 25 kt OK
Incorrect QNH during take off OK Incorrect QNH during landing OK


Wind: 127º/4 kt Heading: 142
VS: -39 ft/min IAS: 65 kt
Gforce: 1.2672 G Bank: -0.96
Pitch 2.72 Flaps 66
Nav Lights ON Landing Lights ON
Beacon Lights ON Strobe Lights ON




2023-06-11 15:17:28 GOLD ACARS VERSION
2023-06-11 15:17:28 BCN LIGHTS ON00
2023-06-11 15:17:28 BOARDING0741
2023-06-11 15:17:28 STARTING ENGINE 10741
2023-06-11 15:17:28 LITTLENAVMAP ON0741
2023-06-11 15:18:51 TAXI LIGHTS ON0741
2023-06-11 15:19:31 TAXI TO THE RWY0226
2023-06-11 15:22:02 FLAP 33%0223
2023-06-11 15:22:53 STOPPING ENGINE 10223
2023-06-11 15:22:54 STARTING ENGINE 10223
2023-06-11 15:22:56 STOPPING ENGINE 10223
2023-06-11 15:22:58 STARTING ENGINE 10223
2023-06-11 15:23:04 STB LIGHTS ON0223
2023-06-11 15:23:06 TAXI LIGHTS OFF0223
2023-06-11 15:23:07 LND LIGHTS ON0223
2023-06-11 15:24:29 CLIMBING69232
2023-06-11 15:24:48 FLAP 0%73291
2023-06-11 15:24:50 CRUISE75298
2023-06-11 15:24:57 CLIMBING83303
2023-06-11 15:25:14 CRUISE89374
2023-06-11 15:25:18 CLIMBING92383
2023-06-11 15:25:34 CRUISE87443
2023-06-11 15:25:43 CLIMBING98449
2023-06-11 15:25:45 CRUISE99453
2023-06-11 15:25:51 AP ENGAGED104459
2023-06-11 15:26:06 CLIMBING112480
2023-06-11 15:31:50 CRUISE921427
2023-06-11 15:51:47 AP DISENGAGED1141371
2023-06-11 15:52:11 DESCEND1151362
2023-06-11 15:53:03 AP ENGAGED1261252
2023-06-11 15:53:03 AP DISENGAGED1261251
2023-06-11 15:54:16 CLIMBING1151168
2023-06-11 15:54:25 CRUISE1061195
2023-06-11 15:54:38 DESCEND1131190
2023-06-11 15:55:03 CLIMBING1151173
2023-06-11 15:55:14 CRUISE1071207
2023-06-11 15:56:05 AP ENGAGED1111225
2023-06-11 16:11:46 DESCEND781361
2023-06-11 16:17:59 AP DISENGAGED96447
2023-06-11 16:19:04 FLAP 33%95377
2023-06-11 16:19:06 CLIMBING90380
2023-06-11 16:19:14 CRUISE74403
2023-06-11 16:19:16 LANDING74402
2023-06-11 16:19:36 FLAP 66%88348
2023-06-11 16:20:15 LANDED - VS: -39 ft/min 65167
2023-06-11 16:20:24 FLAP 33%36169
2023-06-11 16:20:25 FLAP 0%33169
2023-06-11 16:20:25 FLAP 0%31169
2023-06-11 16:20:26 TAXI TO THE GATE28169
2023-06-11 16:21:52 AT THE GATE0165
2023-06-11 16:21:57 STB LIGHTS OFF0165
2023-06-11 16:21:59 LND LIGHTS OFF0165
2023-06-11 16:22:01 BCN LIGHTS OFF0165
2023-06-11 16:22:01 BEACON LIGHT OFF & ENGINE ON0165
2023-06-11 16:22:05 STOPPING ENGINE 10165
2023-06-11 16:22:21 FLIGHT FINISHED0165


2023-06-11 15:19:2802226032BOARDING
2023-06-11 15:20:29015225032BOARDING
2023-06-11 15:21:29011223032TAXI TO THE RWY
2023-06-11 15:22:3000223032TAXI TO THE RWY
2023-06-11 15:23:3000223032TAXI TO THE RWY
2023-06-11 15:24:316974234032TAXI TO THE RWY
2023-06-11 15:25:3188101436129CLIMBING
2023-06-11 15:26:31106118544127CLIMBING
2023-06-11 15:27:32102117675225CLIMBING
2023-06-11 15:28:3297114842324CLIMBING
2023-06-11 15:29:33931111017322CLIMBING
2023-06-11 15:30:33911101203420CLIMBING
2023-06-11 15:31:34921141385419CLIMBING
2023-06-11 15:32:341171381393519CLIMBING
2023-06-11 15:33:351141331369519CRUISE
2023-06-11 15:34:351131331371619CRUISE
2023-06-11 15:35:361121321371719CRUISE
2023-06-11 15:36:361151351372719CRUISE
2023-06-11 15:37:361161351371819CRUISE
2023-06-11 15:38:371141341370819CRUISE
2023-06-11 15:39:371151331375919CRUISE
2023-06-11 15:40:381141331371919CRUISE
2023-06-11 15:41:3811413413711019CRUISE
2023-06-11 15:42:3911313213691019CRUISE
2023-06-11 15:43:3911213213711119CRUISE
2023-06-11 15:44:4011413313721219CRUISE
2023-06-11 15:45:4011513513721219CRUISE
2023-06-11 15:46:4111413413711319CRUISE
2023-06-11 15:47:4111313113711319CRUISE
2023-06-11 15:48:4111213113701419CRUISE
2023-06-11 15:49:4211313313741419CRUISE
2023-06-11 15:50:4211313313741519CRUISE
2023-06-11 15:51:4311413513711519CRUISE
2023-06-11 15:52:4312013613181620CRUISE
2023-06-11 15:53:4412012511951621DESCEND
2023-06-11 15:54:4412013711711721DESCEND
2023-06-11 15:55:4510912612201820DESCEND
2023-06-11 15:56:4511112912721820CRUISE
2023-06-11 15:57:4610712713221919CRUISE
2023-06-11 15:58:4610912813691919CRUISE
2023-06-11 15:59:4711313213752019CRUISE
2023-06-11 16:00:4711613413722019CRUISE
2023-06-11 16:01:4711613613832118CRUISE
2023-06-11 16:02:4811313213692119CRUISE
2023-06-11 16:03:4811413213722219CRUISE
2023-06-11 16:04:4911513313732318CRUISE
2023-06-11 16:05:4911313213682318CRUISE
2023-06-11 16:06:5011313313722418CRUISE
2023-06-11 16:07:5011313213712418CRUISE
2023-06-11 16:08:5111613613732518CRUISE
2023-06-11 16:09:5111413313712518CRUISE
2023-06-11 16:10:5211313213692618CRUISE
2023-06-11 16:11:528210313422619CRUISE
2023-06-11 16:12:529611611642620DESCEND
2023-06-11 16:13:5310011910282721DESCEND
2023-06-11 16:14:531051208832723DESCEND
2023-06-11 16:15:541041177322724DESCEND
2023-06-11 16:16:541031175872825DESCEND
2023-06-11 16:17:551001114482827DESCEND
2023-06-11 16:18:55971083922828DESCEND
2023-06-11 16:19:5682832902829DESCEND
2023-06-11 16:20:564211692830LANDING
2023-06-11 16:21:56001652830TAXI TO THE GATE