Flight Details



Pilot: GLD1143 Gabriel T. Aircraft: AIRFOILLABS C172SP XP11 1.3 GOLD VIRTUAL AIRLINES - 4 ANOS Distance: 117NM
From: SBMT To: SBBU Duration: 1.00
Validation: Valid Tipo: Charter Tail Number: PR-GCM
ZFW: 744 Block Fuel/Init FOB 20flight_details.php/0 Flight Fuel 18
Passengers: 3 Cargo: 48 Alternate: SBRP
Departure Time: Cruise Speed: N120 Flight Level: A055
Flight Type: VFR Aircraft Type: C172 Weight Unit: Kg
Date: 22/06/2020 Comments: Network: VATSIM
Crash: No Validator Comments: Rating 89.775


ROUTE 2145S04824W


Crash OK Beacon Lights off with engine on OK Speed above 250KIAS below 10.000ft OK
Landing Lights OFF below 10.000ft OK Landing Lights ON above 10.000ft OK Stall OK
Overspeed OK Pause OK Refuel OK
Slew OK Taxi Lights OFF during taxi Fault Land Lights OFF during take off OK
Landing Lights OFF during landing OK Landed in not planned airfield OK Taxi speed above 25 kt OK
Incorrect QNH during take off OK Incorrect QNH during landing Fault


Wind: 0º/0 kt Heading: 354
VS: -511.35 ft/min IAS: 44.55 kt
Gforce: 3.9 G Bank: 2.5
Pitch 3.9 Flaps 30
Nav Lights ON Landing Lights ON
Beacon Lights ON Strobe Lights ON




2020-06-22 03:08:12 INCORRECT DEPARTURE ICAO00
2020-06-22 03:08:13 SIM ACARS version 1.4.001809
2020-06-22 03:08:13 BOARDING01809
2020-06-22 03:09:37 STARTING ENGINE 1 01809
2020-06-22 03:10:12 FLAPS EXTENSION 33 % 01809
2020-06-22 03:16:41 TAXI TO THE RWY 71810
2020-06-22 03:16:41 TAXING WITH TAXI LIGHTS OFF71810
2020-06-22 03:16:41 FLAPS EXTENSION 0 % 71810
2020-06-22 03:16:49 ROLLING FOR TAKE OFF411812
2020-06-22 03:16:53 TAKE OFF561814
2020-06-22 03:16:54 LANDING561814
2020-06-22 03:17:02 TAKE OFF711866
2020-06-22 03:26:14 DESCEND1124439
2020-06-22 03:26:44 CLIMBING1184595
2020-06-22 03:28:04 DESCEND1174824
2020-06-22 03:29:14 CLIMBING1284633
2020-06-22 03:34:44 DESCEND1234524
2020-06-22 03:36:44 CLIMBING993735
2020-06-22 03:38:04 CRUISE1124389
2020-06-22 04:09:34 DESCEND1254264
2020-06-22 04:11:24 CRUISE1013801
2020-06-22 04:12:14 DESCEND953622
2020-06-22 04:13:44 CRUISE893068
2020-06-22 04:14:24 DESCEND942919
2020-06-22 04:16:53 FLAPS EXTENSION 33 % 782749
2020-06-22 04:16:58 FLAPS EXTENSION 67 % 662774
2020-06-22 04:17:06 FLAPS EXTENSION 100 % 662691
2020-06-22 04:18:14 LANDING452018
2020-06-22 04:18:48 TAXI TO THE GATE202018
2020-06-22 04:19:43 FLAPS EXTENSION 67 % 02018
2020-06-22 04:19:43 FLAPS EXTENSION 33 % 02018
2020-06-22 04:19:44 FLAPS EXTENSION 0 % 02018
2020-06-22 04:21:46 STOPPING ENGINE 1 02018


2020-06-22 03:09:13001809114BOARDING
2020-06-22 03:10:13001809114BOARDING
2020-06-22 03:11:13661808114BOARDING
2020-06-22 03:12:13001807114BOARDING
2020-06-22 03:13:13331807214BOARDING
2020-06-22 03:14:13211808214BOARDING
2020-06-22 03:15:13001809214BOARDING
2020-06-22 03:16:13001809214BOARDING
2020-06-22 03:17:1371732018211CLIMBING
2020-06-22 03:18:137477280939CLIMBING
2020-06-22 03:19:137883390237CLIMBING
2020-06-22 03:20:13101108449336CLIMBING
2020-06-22 03:21:139299459445CLIMBING
2020-06-22 03:22:13109118484445CLIMBING
2020-06-22 03:23:13119128467845CLIMBING
2020-06-22 03:24:13112123476155CLIMBING
2020-06-22 03:25:13109117470555CLIMBING
2020-06-22 03:26:13111119446156CLIMBING
2020-06-22 03:27:13113120478965CLIMBING
2020-06-22 03:28:13119127463465DESCEND
2020-06-22 03:29:13129137462065DESCEND
2020-06-22 03:30:13127135432366CLIMBING
2020-06-22 03:31:1398104456575CLIMBING
2020-06-22 03:32:13106114484175CLIMBING
2020-06-22 03:33:139198485775CLIMBING
2020-06-22 03:34:138793470775CLIMBING
2020-06-22 03:35:13128135424086DESCEND
2020-06-22 03:36:13112117365787DESCEND
2020-06-22 03:37:1396103407386CLIMBING
2020-06-22 03:38:1395101437296CRUISE
2020-06-22 03:39:136873432696CRUISE
2020-06-22 03:40:139098435996CRUISE
2020-06-22 03:41:13110117438996CRUISE
2020-06-22 03:42:131091164385106CRUISE
2020-06-22 03:43:131091164385106CRUISE
2020-06-22 03:44:131091164384106CRUISE
2020-06-22 03:45:131091164384106CRUISE
2020-06-22 03:46:131181264395116CRUISE
2020-06-22 03:47:131191274397116CRUISE
2020-06-22 03:48:131191274397116CRUISE
2020-06-22 03:49:131191274397126CRUISE
2020-06-22 03:50:131191274397126CRUISE
2020-06-22 03:51:131191274397126CRUISE
2020-06-22 03:52:131191274397126CRUISE
2020-06-22 03:53:131191274397136CRUISE
2020-06-22 03:54:131191274397136CRUISE
2020-06-22 03:55:131191274398136CRUISE
2020-06-22 03:56:131191274398146CRUISE
2020-06-22 03:57:131191274398146CRUISE
2020-06-22 03:58:131191274398146CRUISE
2020-06-22 03:59:131191274398156CRUISE
2020-06-22 04:00:131191274398156CRUISE
2020-06-22 04:01:131191274399156CRUISE
2020-06-22 04:02:131191274399166CRUISE
2020-06-22 04:03:131191274399166CRUISE
2020-06-22 04:04:131191274399166CRUISE
2020-06-22 04:05:131191274399176CRUISE
2020-06-22 04:06:131191274397176CRUISE
2020-06-22 04:07:131191274397176CRUISE
2020-06-22 04:08:131191274397176CRUISE
2020-06-22 04:09:131211294366186CRUISE
2020-06-22 04:10:131221304065186DESCEND
2020-06-22 04:11:13981043799187DESCEND
2020-06-22 04:12:1394993627197CRUISE
2020-06-22 04:13:131011053123198DESCEND
2020-06-22 04:14:1390952991199CRUISE
2020-06-22 04:15:1379822912199DESCEND
2020-06-22 04:16:131031072612199DESCEND
2020-06-22 04:17:1360622676209DESCEND
2020-06-22 04:18:13444620272010DESCEND
2020-06-22 04:19:136320182011TAXI TO THE GATE
2020-06-22 04:20:132320182011TAXI TO THE GATE
2020-06-22 04:21:130020172011TAXI TO THE GATE
2020-06-22 04:22:130020172111TAXI TO THE GATE