Flight Details



Pilot: GLD1086 Luis F. Aircraft: CESSNA 172 SKYHAWK GOLD Distance: 53NM
From: SBKP To: SBSP Duration: 0.53
Validation: Valid Tipo: Charter Tail Number: D-ABIB
ZFW: 857 Block Fuel/Init FOB 14flight_details.php/0 Flight Fuel 9
Passengers: 2 Cargo: 0 Alternate: SBMT
Departure Time: 2000 Cruise Speed: 90 Flight Level: 4500
Flight Type: VFR Aircraft Type: C172 Weight Unit: Kg
Date: 24/04/2020 Comments: Network: VATSIM
Crash: No Validator Comments: Rating 110.822


ROUTE DCT 2318S04707W DCT 2326S04655W DCT 2330S04648W DCT


Crash OK Beacon Lights off with engine on OK Speed above 250KIAS below 10.000ft OK
Landing Lights OFF below 10.000ft OK Landing Lights ON above 10.000ft OK Stall OK
Overspeed OK Pause OK Refuel OK
Slew OK Taxi Lights OFF during taxi OK Land Lights OFF during take off OK
Landing Lights OFF during landing OK Landed in not planned airfield OK Taxi speed above 25 kt Fault
Incorrect QNH during take off OK Incorrect QNH during landing Fault


Wind: 20º/0 kt Heading: 232
VS: -14.61 ft/min IAS: 49.59 kt
Gforce: 1.2 G Bank: -1.7
Pitch 3.8 Flaps 10
Nav Lights ON Landing Lights ON
Beacon Lights ON Strobe Lights ON




2020-04-24 04:54:53 SIM ACARS version 1.4.002152
2020-04-24 04:54:53 BOARDING02152
2020-04-24 04:55:38 FLAPS EXTENSION 33 % 02152
2020-04-24 04:55:40 FLAPS EXTENSION 67 % 02152
2020-04-24 04:55:43 FLAPS EXTENSION 100 % 02152
2020-04-24 04:55:45 FLAPS EXTENSION 67 % 02152
2020-04-24 04:55:47 FLAPS EXTENSION 33 % 02152
2020-04-24 04:55:49 FLAPS EXTENSION 0 % 02152
2020-04-24 04:56:09 STARTING ENGINE 1 02152
2020-04-24 05:28:06 TAXI TO THE RWY 02154
2020-04-24 05:34:54 FLAPS EXTENSION 33 % 02152
2020-04-24 05:35:02 ROLLING FOR TAKE OFF322157
2020-04-24 05:35:06 TAKE OFF452163
2020-04-24 05:35:06 LANDING452163
2020-04-24 05:35:17 TAKE OFF642221
2020-04-24 05:35:55 FLAPS EXTENSION 0 % 622632
2020-04-24 05:39:06 CRUISE984601
2020-04-24 05:40:46 DESCEND1034714
2020-04-24 05:41:56 CRUISE1044483
2020-04-24 05:56:56 DESCEND1054286
2020-04-24 05:57:26 CRUISE884278
2020-04-24 06:02:26 DESCEND894088
2020-04-24 06:03:46 CRUISE893796
2020-04-24 06:04:26 DESCEND883666
2020-04-24 06:06:01 FLAPS EXTENSION 33 % 853123
2020-04-24 06:06:06 CRUISE793106
2020-04-24 06:06:36 DESCEND752860
2020-04-24 06:07:23 LANDING502620
2020-04-24 06:07:34 TAXI TO THE GATE202629
2020-04-24 06:07:34 TAXI SPEED ABOVE 25 KTS202629
2020-04-24 06:10:15 STOPPING ENGINE 1 02634


2020-04-24 04:55:53002152013BOARDING
2020-04-24 04:56:53002152013BOARDING
2020-04-24 04:57:53002152113BOARDING
2020-04-24 04:58:53002152113BOARDING
2020-04-24 04:59:53002152113BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:00:53002152113BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:01:53002152113BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:02:53002152113BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:03:53002152113BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:04:53002152113BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:05:53002152213BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:06:53002152213BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:07:53002152213BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:08:53002152213BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:09:53002152213BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:10:53002152213BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:11:53002152213BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:12:53002152213BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:13:53002152313BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:14:53002152313BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:15:53002152313BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:16:53002152313BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:17:53002152313BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:18:53002152313BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:19:53002152313BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:20:53002152313BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:21:53002152413BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:22:53002152413BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:23:53002152413BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:24:53002152413BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:25:53002152413BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:26:53022152413BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:27:53052154413BOARDING
2020-04-24 05:28:53082144413TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-04-24 05:29:53002142513TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-04-24 05:30:53002142513TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-04-24 05:31:53052144513TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-04-24 05:32:53002151513TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-04-24 05:33:53002151513TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-04-24 05:34:530112151513TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-04-24 05:35:5362672611612CLIMBING
2020-04-24 05:36:5392963142611CLIMBING
2020-04-24 05:37:539197384869CLIMBING
2020-04-24 05:38:5398105446478CLIMBING
2020-04-24 05:39:53102109484477CRUISE
2020-04-24 05:40:53106114465678DESCEND
2020-04-24 05:41:53104111448178DESCEND
2020-04-24 05:42:5397104448778CRUISE
2020-04-24 05:43:5396103448788CRUISE
2020-04-24 05:44:5395102448888CRUISE
2020-04-24 05:45:5396103448788CRUISE
2020-04-24 05:46:5396103448898CRUISE
2020-04-24 05:47:5396103448898CRUISE
2020-04-24 05:48:5396103448898CRUISE
2020-04-24 05:49:53961034488108CRUISE
2020-04-24 05:50:53961034488108CRUISE
2020-04-24 05:51:53961034488108CRUISE
2020-04-24 05:52:53961034488108CRUISE
2020-04-24 05:53:53961034488118CRUISE
2020-04-24 05:54:53961034488118CRUISE
2020-04-24 05:55:53961034488118CRUISE
2020-04-24 05:56:531041124316128CRUISE
2020-04-24 05:57:5385914282129CRUISE
2020-04-24 05:58:5385914284129CRUISE
2020-04-24 05:59:5390974283129CRUISE
2020-04-24 06:00:5391984283139CRUISE
2020-04-24 06:01:5388954210139CRUISE
2020-04-24 06:02:5388943983139DESCEND
2020-04-24 06:03:53879337771310CRUISE
2020-04-24 06:04:53889335681410DESCEND
2020-04-24 06:05:53889232021411DESCEND
2020-04-24 06:06:53717427471412DESCEND
2020-04-24 06:07:5301226321412TAXI TO THE GATE
2020-04-24 06:08:5301226371412TAXI TO THE GATE
2020-04-24 06:09:530026341512TAXI TO THE GATE
2020-04-24 06:10:530026341512TAXI TO THE GATE