Flight Details



Pilot: GLD054 Gilberto L. Aircraft: Baron B58 Distance: 33NM
From: SBME To: SBES Duration: 0.27
Validation: Valid Tipo: Charter Tail Number: PT-GLD
ZFW: 4211 Block Fuel/Init FOB 223flight_details.php/0 Flight Fuel 223
Passengers: 5 Cargo: 25 Alternate: SBME
Departure Time: 1142 Cruise Speed: 160 Flight Level: 3000
Flight Type: IFR Aircraft Type: BE58 Weight Unit: Kg
Date: 23/12/2020 Comments: GOLD ACARS Network: VATSIM
Crash: No Validator Comments: Rating 104.5


ROUTE Coloque Aqui sua rota, planejada de acordo com as cartas de rotas (ENRC, WAC, REA ou REH) DCT


Crash OK Beacon Lights off with engine on OK Speed above 250KIAS below 10.000ft OK
Landing Lights OFF below 10.000ft OK Landing Lights ON above 10.000ft OK Stall Fault
Overspeed OK Pause OK Refuel OK
Slew OK Taxi Lights OFF during taxi OK Land Lights OFF during take off OK
Landing Lights OFF during landing OK Landed in not planned airfield OK Taxi speed above 25 kt OK
Incorrect QNH during take off OK Incorrect QNH during landing OK


Wind: 0º/0 kt Heading: 224
VS: -440 ft/min IAS: 78 kt
Gforce: 0.856 G Bank: -0.39
Pitch 9.39 Flaps 0
Nav Lights ON Landing Lights ON
Beacon Lights ON Strobe Lights ON




2020-12-23 13:42:55 GOLD ACARS VERSION
2020-12-23 13:42:55 STB LIGHTS ON00
2020-12-23 13:42:55 BOARDING012
2020-12-23 13:42:55 STARTING ENGINE 1012
2020-12-23 13:42:55 STARTING ENGINE 2012
2020-12-23 13:42:56 STARTING ENGINE 3012
2020-12-23 13:42:57 STARTING ENGINE 4012
2020-12-23 13:43:36 TAXI TO THE RWY313
2020-12-23 13:44:43 CLIMBING10631
2020-12-23 13:44:43 GEAR UP10736
2020-12-23 13:44:50 CRUISE116104
2020-12-23 13:44:53 AP ENGAGED122119
2020-12-23 13:50:04 DESCEND1584077
2020-12-23 13:52:30 CLIMBING1731574
2020-12-23 13:52:39 CRUISE1581671
2020-12-23 13:56:03 LANDING1161521
2020-12-23 13:57:21 CLIMBING113355
2020-12-23 13:57:30 CRUISE109429
2020-12-23 13:57:43 GEAR DOWN109540
2020-12-23 13:57:55 LANDING100528
2020-12-23 13:57:56 AP DISENGAGED97516
2020-12-23 13:58:38 STALL85127
2020-12-23 13:58:39 RECOVER FROM STALL84114
2020-12-23 13:58:42 STALL8090
2020-12-23 13:58:43 LANDED - VS: -440 ft/min 7776
2020-12-23 13:58:43 RECOVER FROM STALL7776
2020-12-23 13:58:57 TAXI TO THE GATE2758
2020-12-23 13:59:01 AT THE GATE2056
2020-12-23 13:59:06 FLIGHT FINISHED055
2020-12-23 13:42:55 GOLD ACARS VERSION
2020-12-23 13:42:55 STB LIGHTS ON00
2020-12-23 13:42:55 BOARDING012
2020-12-23 13:42:55 STARTING ENGINE 1012
2020-12-23 13:42:55 STARTING ENGINE 2012
2020-12-23 13:42:56 STARTING ENGINE 3012
2020-12-23 13:42:57 STARTING ENGINE 4012
2020-12-23 13:43:36 TAXI TO THE RWY313
2020-12-23 13:44:43 CLIMBING10631
2020-12-23 13:44:43 GEAR UP10736
2020-12-23 13:44:50 CRUISE116104
2020-12-23 13:44:53 AP ENGAGED122119
2020-12-23 13:50:04 DESCEND1584077
2020-12-23 13:52:30 CLIMBING1731574
2020-12-23 13:52:39 CRUISE1581671
2020-12-23 13:56:03 LANDING1161521
2020-12-23 13:57:21 CLIMBING113355
2020-12-23 13:57:30 CRUISE109429
2020-12-23 13:57:43 GEAR DOWN109540
2020-12-23 13:57:55 LANDING100528
2020-12-23 13:57:56 AP DISENGAGED97516
2020-12-23 13:58:38 STALL85127
2020-12-23 13:58:39 RECOVER FROM STALL84114
2020-12-23 13:58:42 STALL8090
2020-12-23 13:58:43 LANDED - VS: -440 ft/min 7776
2020-12-23 13:58:43 RECOVER FROM STALL7776
2020-12-23 13:58:57 TAXI TO THE GATE2758
2020-12-23 13:59:01 AT THE GATE2056
2020-12-23 13:59:06 FLIGHT FINISHED055


2020-12-23 13:44:55126127137114TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-12-23 13:45:561451481083212CRUISE
2020-12-23 13:46:561471511943411CRUISE
2020-12-23 13:47:57143149282669CRUISE
2020-12-23 13:48:57140147367287CRUISE
2020-12-23 13:49:58154164410796CRUISE
2020-12-23 13:50:581681773730117CRUISE
2020-12-23 13:51:5918118722661210DESCEND
2020-12-23 13:52:5915115416101311DESCEND
2020-12-23 13:54:0013914216931411CRUISE
2020-12-23 13:55:0016316818411511CRUISE
2020-12-23 13:56:0012212215271612CRUISE
2020-12-23 13:57:011151153511714CRUISE
2020-12-23 13:58:0193934371814LANDING
2020-12-23 13:59:022015561814LANDING
2020-12-23 13:44:55126127137114TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-12-23 13:45:561451481083212CRUISE
2020-12-23 13:46:561471511943411CRUISE
2020-12-23 13:47:57143149282669CRUISE
2020-12-23 13:48:57140147367287CRUISE
2020-12-23 13:49:58154164410796CRUISE
2020-12-23 13:50:581681773730117CRUISE
2020-12-23 13:51:5918118722661210DESCEND
2020-12-23 13:52:5915115416101311DESCEND
2020-12-23 13:54:0013914216931411CRUISE
2020-12-23 13:55:0016316818411511CRUISE
2020-12-23 13:56:0012212215271612CRUISE
2020-12-23 13:57:011151153511714CRUISE
2020-12-23 13:58:0193934371814LANDING
2020-12-23 13:59:022015561814LANDING
2020-12-23 14:02:027713015AT THE GATE