Flight Details



Pilot: GLD054 Gilberto L. Aircraft: B737-800X_43_14 Texturas Distance: 195NM
From: SBGL To: SBCF Duration: 0.92
Validation: Valid Tipo: Regular Tail Number: PR-GBM
ZFW: 95043 Block Fuel/Init FOB 11,547flight_details.php/0 Flight Fuel 11,547
Passengers: 0 Cargo: 0 Alternate: SBGL
Departure Time: 2354 Cruise Speed: 450 Flight Level: 190
Flight Type: IFR Aircraft Type: B738 Weight Unit: Kg
Date: 28/09/2020 Comments: GOLD ACARS Network: VATSIM
Crash: No Validator Comments: Rating 97.812


ROUTE Coloque Aqui sua rota, planejada de acordo com as cartas de rotas (ENRC, WAC, REA ou REH) ISRIN Z36 UMKIT


Crash OK Beacon Lights off with engine on OK Speed above 250KIAS below 10.000ft Fault
Landing Lights OFF below 10.000ft OK Landing Lights ON above 10.000ft OK Stall OK
Overspeed OK Pause OK Refuel OK
Slew OK Taxi Lights OFF during taxi OK Land Lights OFF during take off OK
Landing Lights OFF during landing OK Landed in not planned airfield OK Taxi speed above 25 kt Fault
Incorrect QNH during take off OK Incorrect QNH during landing OK


Wind: 49º/5 kt Heading: 136
VS: -560 ft/min IAS: 134 kt
Gforce: 1.232 G Bank: -0.83
Pitch 5.61 Flaps 74
Nav Lights ON Landing Lights ON
Beacon Lights ON Strobe Lights OFF




2020-09-29 02:54:08 GOLD ACARS VERSION
2020-09-29 02:54:08 TAXI LIGHTS ON00
2020-09-29 02:54:08 BOARDING231
2020-09-29 02:54:08 STARTING ENGINE 1231
2020-09-29 02:54:08 STARTING ENGINE 2231
2020-09-29 02:54:08 STARTING ENGINE 3231
2020-09-29 02:54:09 STARTING ENGINE 4231
2020-09-29 02:56:01 TAXI TO THE RWY330
2020-09-29 02:57:03 FLAP 12%1422
2020-09-29 02:57:35 FLAP 24%921
2020-09-29 03:00:33 FLAP 37%321
2020-09-29 03:00:57 LND LIGHTS ON321
2020-09-29 03:01:47 TAXI SPEED ABOVE 25 KTS4824
2020-09-29 03:02:18 CLIMBING14541
2020-09-29 03:02:19 GEAR UP14753
2020-09-29 03:03:13 FLAP 24%1541932
2020-09-29 03:03:18 FLAP 12%1582071
2020-09-29 03:03:20 FLAP 0%1602126
2020-09-29 03:03:26 CRUISE1702227
2020-09-29 03:03:55 IAS ABOVE 250 KNOTS BELOW 10000 ft2602149
2020-09-29 03:04:52 DESCEND2795311
2020-09-29 03:04:56 CLIMBING2885298
2020-09-29 03:04:58 CRUISE2925315
2020-09-29 03:04:59 DESCEND2965309
2020-09-29 03:05:18 CLIMBING3474870
2020-09-29 03:06:14 LND LIGHTS OFF27110000
2020-09-29 03:06:17 CRUISE27010043
2020-09-29 03:06:25 DESCEND26610016
2020-09-29 03:06:35 CLIMBING2649983
2020-09-29 03:09:35 CRUISE28818990
2020-09-29 03:33:18 DESCEND29318985
2020-09-29 03:38:11 LND LIGHTS ON2499995
2020-09-29 03:39:20 FLAP 12%2458446
2020-09-29 03:39:23 FLAP 24%2458308
2020-09-29 03:39:54 FLAP 37%2277283
2020-09-29 03:41:09 FLAP 49%1895429
2020-09-29 03:41:46 FLAP 62%1555050
2020-09-29 03:42:17 GEAR DOWN1535092
2020-09-29 03:42:21 FLAP 74%1535092
2020-09-29 03:45:16 LANDED - VS: -560 ft/min 1332760
2020-09-29 03:45:38 AT THE GATE282753
2020-09-29 03:45:55 FLAP 62%102753
2020-09-29 03:45:55 FLAP 37%112753
2020-09-29 03:45:56 FLAP 24%112753
2020-09-29 03:45:56 FLAP 0%122752
2020-09-29 03:49:17 FLIGHT FINISHED42753


2020-09-29 02:56:09910292724BOARDING
2020-09-29 02:57:091516214124TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-09-29 02:58:101316195124TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-09-29 02:59:101716146024TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-09-29 03:00:1100127024TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-09-29 03:01:1100219324TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-09-29 03:02:111271392616724TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-09-29 03:03:12153162187226820TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-09-29 03:04:12274287299236918CLIMBING
2020-09-29 03:05:13333370498146814CRUISE
2020-09-29 03:06:13272330100005584DESCEND
2020-09-29 03:07:14287349115276280CLIMBING
2020-09-29 03:08:1428835915025718-7CLIMBING
2020-09-29 03:09:1528837818316804-15CLIMBING
2020-09-29 03:10:1529839419000859-17CLIMBING
2020-09-29 03:11:1629739319000902-17CRUISE
2020-09-29 03:12:1629739319000946-17CRUISE
2020-09-29 03:13:1629739319000990-17CRUISE
2020-09-29 03:14:17297392190001033-17CRUISE
2020-09-29 03:15:17297392190001077-17CRUISE
2020-09-29 03:16:18297392190001120-17CRUISE
2020-09-29 03:17:18297392190001163-17CRUISE
2020-09-29 03:18:19297391190001207-17CRUISE
2020-09-29 03:19:19297391190001250-17CRUISE
2020-09-29 03:20:20297391190001294-17CRUISE
2020-09-29 03:21:20296391189901338-16CRUISE
2020-09-29 03:22:21296393190001383-15CRUISE
2020-09-29 03:23:21297399189991428-15CRUISE
2020-09-29 03:24:22297399189991472-15CRUISE
2020-09-29 03:25:22297397189991515-15CRUISE
2020-09-29 03:26:23297396189991559-15CRUISE
2020-09-29 03:27:23304407189991607-15CRUISE
2020-09-29 03:28:23316422189981660-15CRUISE
2020-09-29 03:29:24331440189991718-15CRUISE
2020-09-29 03:30:24341452189971777-15CRUISE
2020-09-29 03:31:25340451190001832-15CRUISE
2020-09-29 03:32:25340451190001888-15CRUISE
2020-09-29 03:33:26287381188621910-14CRUISE
2020-09-29 03:34:26280359166891917-9DESCEND
2020-09-29 03:35:27275343145971926-2DESCEND
2020-09-29 03:36:272723301261619343DESCEND
2020-09-29 03:37:282723191064119438DESCEND
2020-09-29 03:38:282392761000019569DESCEND
2020-09-29 03:39:282462768083197014DESCEND
2020-09-29 03:40:291902156694198217DESCEND
2020-09-29 03:41:291701925177199521DESCEND
2020-09-29 03:42:301471635087203421DESCEND
2020-09-29 03:43:301431594239207023DESCEND
2020-09-29 03:44:311431563379210925DESCEND
2020-09-29 03:45:3170602753213527DESCEND
2020-09-29 03:46:3221212752215427LANDED - VS: -560 ft/min
2020-09-29 03:47:321082753216327AT THE GATE
2020-09-29 03:48:3328252753218527AT THE GATE