Flight Details



Pilot: GLD1155 Rodrigo G. Aircraft: Carenado C208B_Grand_Car Distance: 147NM
From: FSDR To: FSPP Duration: 1.08
Validation: Valid Tipo: Charter Tail Number: PT-GLD
ZFW: 4805 Block Fuel/Init FOB 865flight_details.php/0 Flight Fuel 865
Passengers: 13 Cargo: 0 Alternate: FSDR
Departure Time: 0000 Cruise Speed: 130 Flight Level: 3000
Flight Type: VFR Aircraft Type: C208 Weight Unit: Kg
Date: 18/09/2020 Comments: GOLD ACARS Network: VATSIM
Crash: No Validator Comments: Rating 112.519




Crash OK Beacon Lights off with engine on OK Speed above 250KIAS below 10.000ft OK
Landing Lights OFF below 10.000ft OK Landing Lights ON above 10.000ft OK Stall OK
Overspeed OK Pause OK Refuel OK
Slew OK Taxi Lights OFF during taxi OK Land Lights OFF during take off OK
Landing Lights OFF during landing OK Landed in not planned airfield OK Taxi speed above 25 kt OK
Incorrect QNH during take off OK Incorrect QNH during landing OK


Wind: 143º/8 kt Heading: 141
VS: -296 ft/min IAS: 78 kt
Gforce: 1.08 G Bank: -1.68
Pitch -4.74 Flaps 100
Nav Lights ON Landing Lights ON
Beacon Lights ON Strobe Lights ON




2020-09-18 03:00:21 GOLD ACARS VERSION
2020-09-18 03:00:21 STB LIGHTS ON00
2020-09-18 03:00:21 BOARDING5110
2020-09-18 03:00:21 STARTING ENGINE 15110
2020-09-18 03:00:21 FLAP 49%5110
2020-09-18 03:00:24 FLAP 100%5110
2020-09-18 03:01:04 TAXI TO THE RWY7110
2020-09-18 03:01:29 CLIMBING94133
2020-09-18 03:01:45 AP ENGAGED87457
2020-09-18 03:02:17 FLAP 49%691178
2020-09-18 03:04:33 CRUISE1182969
2020-09-18 03:07:55 FLAP 0%1362998
2020-09-18 03:14:35 DESCEND1634520
2020-09-18 03:14:42 CLIMBING1674491
2020-09-18 03:14:46 CRUISE1664534
2020-09-18 03:15:43 DESCEND1674823
2020-09-18 03:15:53 CLIMBING1744723
2020-09-18 03:16:06 CRUISE1455291
2020-09-18 03:16:07 DESCEND1475287
2020-09-18 03:16:21 CLIMBING1635149
2020-09-18 03:16:52 CRUISE1136311
2020-09-18 03:16:53 DESCEND1146310
2020-09-18 03:17:07 CLIMBING1426146
2020-09-18 03:17:08 CRUISE1436153
2020-09-18 03:17:14 DESCEND1486140
2020-09-18 03:17:38 CLIMBING1765756
2020-09-18 03:17:39 CRUISE1765766
2020-09-18 03:17:40 DESCEND1765760
2020-09-18 03:17:52 CLIMBING1875469
2020-09-18 03:18:01 CRUISE1775600
2020-09-18 03:18:03 DESCEND1775597
2020-09-18 03:18:24 CLIMBING1974817
2020-09-18 03:18:30 CRUISE1844889
2020-09-18 03:18:32 DESCEND1794886
2020-09-18 03:18:51 CLIMBING1804280
2020-09-18 03:19:04 CRUISE1394655
2020-09-18 03:19:06 DESCEND1394650
2020-09-18 03:19:51 CLIMBING1723166
2020-09-18 03:19:57 CRUISE1613225
2020-09-18 03:20:00 DESCEND1583219
2020-09-18 03:20:16 CLIMBING1612852
2020-09-18 03:20:25 CRUISE1452957
2020-09-18 03:52:03 LANDING1651517
2020-09-18 03:55:40 FLAP 49%82999
2020-09-18 03:56:27 FLAP 100%941011
2020-09-18 03:56:31 CLIMBING921024
2020-09-18 03:56:33 CRUISE901040
2020-09-18 03:58:26 LANDING87974
2020-09-18 04:01:03 LANDED - VS: -296 ft/min 7822
2020-09-18 04:01:14 STOPPING ENGINE 15617
2020-09-18 04:01:17 STARTING ENGINE 13616
2020-09-18 04:01:19 AT THE GATE2716
2020-09-18 04:03:48 STOPPING ENGINE 1216
2020-09-18 04:05:04 LND LIGHTS OFF016
2020-09-18 04:05:05 BCN LIGHTS OFF016
2020-09-18 04:05:06 STB LIGHTS OFF016
2020-09-18 04:05:07 NAV LIGHTS OFF016
2020-09-18 04:05:11 FLIGHT FINISHED016


2020-09-18 03:02:2173661227621TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-09-18 03:03:2111211720371118CLIMBING
2020-09-18 03:04:2211612128451616CLIMBING
2020-09-18 03:05:2213514329992016CLIMBING
2020-09-18 03:06:2213714429982516CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:07:2313614429972916CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:08:2316217229863416CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:09:2316918033343815CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:10:2417218336264314CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:11:2417318538504714CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:12:2517418740265114CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:13:2517418841655613CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:14:2517418742886013CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:15:2616718247386512CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:16:2615817252606912CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:17:2616718859417311CLIMBING
2020-09-18 03:18:2719220848567612DESCEND
2020-09-18 03:19:2717018537847814CLIMBING
2020-09-18 03:20:2714314929657916DESCEND
2020-09-18 03:21:2815316629978216CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:22:2816017329948516CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:23:2916117429948816CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:24:2916117429949116CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:25:2916117429949516CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:26:3016117429949816CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:27:30161174299410116CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:28:30161174299410416CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:29:31161174299510716CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:30:31161174299511016CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:31:31161175299511316CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:32:32161178298011616CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:33:32161175299312016CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:34:33161175299212316CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:35:33161175299212616CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:36:33161175299212916CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:37:34161175299213216CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:38:34160175299213516CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:39:34161175299213816CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:40:35161175299214116CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:41:35165179299714516CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:42:35166180304914816CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:43:36160174299215116CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:44:36159172299315416CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:45:37158172299315716CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:46:37157170301016016CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:47:37158172299716316CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:48:38158172299716616CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:49:38166180278516916CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:50:38166177229817217CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:51:39166175173917419CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:52:39166173121017621CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:53:4015516398517922LANDING
2020-09-18 03:54:4014716399718122LANDING
2020-09-18 03:55:40838999918222LANDING
2020-09-18 03:56:419687102418421LANDING
2020-09-18 03:57:41877799718722CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:58:41908093118922CRUISE
2020-09-18 03:59:42877535619024LANDING
2020-09-18 04:00:42827110719225LANDING
2020-09-18 04:01:43701619325LANDING
2020-09-18 04:02:43281619425AT THE GATE
2020-09-18 04:03:43041619525AT THE GATE
2020-09-18 04:04:44001619525AT THE GATE