Flight Details



Pilot: GLD054 Gilberto L. Aircraft: 737-700U_18 737-700U Var Distance: 188NM
From: SBKP To: SBCT Duration: 0.75
Validation: Rejected Tipo: Regular Tail Number: PR-GBB
ZFW: 93724 Block Fuel/Init FOB 13,209flight_details.php/0 Flight Fuel 13,209
Passengers: 0 Cargo: 0 Alternate: SBFL
Departure Time: 2209 Cruise Speed: 430 Flight Level: 260
Flight Type: IFR Aircraft Type: B737 Weight Unit: Kg
Date: 10/09/2020 Comments: GOLD ACARS Network: VATSIM
Crash: No Validator Comments: Não atingiu Rating Mínimo de 70.0 Rating 0


ROUTE Coloque Aqui sua rota, planejada de acordo com as cartas de rotas (ENRC, WAC, REA ou REH) DIONI UM792 ORANA


Crash OK Beacon Lights off with engine on OK Speed above 250KIAS below 10.000ft OK
Landing Lights OFF below 10.000ft OK Landing Lights ON above 10.000ft OK Stall OK
Overspeed OK Pause OK Refuel Fault
Slew OK Taxi Lights OFF during taxi OK Land Lights OFF during take off OK
Landing Lights OFF during landing OK Landed in not planned airfield OK Taxi speed above 25 kt Fault
Incorrect QNH during take off OK Incorrect QNH during landing OK


Wind: 18º/0 kt Heading: 134
VS: -1265 ft/min IAS: 143 kt
Gforce: 2.168 G Bank: 0.32
Pitch -4.93 Flaps 62
Nav Lights ON Landing Lights ON
Beacon Lights ON Strobe Lights OFF




2020-09-11 01:09:48 GOLD ACARS VERSION
2020-09-11 01:09:48 TAXI LIGHTS ON00
2020-09-11 01:09:48 BOARDING02150
2020-09-11 01:09:48 STARTING ENGINE 102150
2020-09-11 01:09:48 STARTING ENGINE 202150
2020-09-11 01:09:49 STARTING ENGINE 302150
2020-09-11 01:09:49 STARTING ENGINE 402150
2020-09-11 01:10:04 TAXI TO THE RWY22150
2020-09-11 01:10:55 FLAP 12%132150
2020-09-11 01:10:56 FLAP 24%132150
2020-09-11 01:10:57 FLAP 37%132150
2020-09-11 01:12:08 REFUEL02150
2020-09-11 01:12:22 LND LIGHTS ON02150
2020-09-11 01:13:05 TAXI SPEED ABOVE 25 KTS402150
2020-09-11 01:13:24 GEAR UP1532154
2020-09-11 01:13:24 CLIMBING1552158
2020-09-11 01:13:26 AP ENGAGED1642186
2020-09-11 01:13:40 FLAP 24%1723028
2020-09-11 01:13:41 FLAP 0%1713071
2020-09-11 01:15:01 STOPPING ENGINE 22436872
2020-09-11 01:15:11 CRUISE2367265
2020-09-11 01:15:12 DESCEND2367260
2020-09-11 01:15:21 CLIMBING2457193
2020-09-11 01:16:28 CRUISE2488025
2020-09-11 01:17:54 STARTING ENGINE 22338001
2020-09-11 01:20:48 LND LIGHTS OFF2509997
2020-09-11 01:35:46 DESCEND28225989
2020-09-11 01:44:02 LND LIGHTS ON2399998
2020-09-11 01:44:22 FLAP 12%2419912
2020-09-11 01:44:31 FLAP 0%2409804
2020-09-11 01:45:42 FLAP 12%2418743
2020-09-11 01:45:47 FLAP 24%2408597
2020-09-11 01:48:06 FLAP 37%1676132
2020-09-11 01:48:09 FLAP 49%1686073
2020-09-11 01:48:44 GEAR DOWN1555513
2020-09-11 01:48:48 FLAP 62%1555509
2020-09-11 01:52:23 LANDED - VS: -1265 ft/min 1422979
2020-09-11 01:52:52 TAXI TO THE GATE282961
2020-09-11 01:52:59 AT THE GATE222961
2020-09-11 01:53:18 LND LIGHTS OFF02961
2020-09-11 01:54:16 FLAP 49%82961
2020-09-11 01:54:16 FLAP 37%92961
2020-09-11 01:54:17 FLAP 12%92961
2020-09-11 01:54:18 FLAP 0%92961
2020-09-11 01:55:01 FLIGHT FINISHED02961


2020-09-11 01:11:497021503310TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-09-11 01:12:49002150-310TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-09-11 01:13:5016818236781277TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-09-11 01:14:5023125663282362CLIMBING
2020-09-11 01:15:5124927876223010CLIMBING
2020-09-11 01:16:5124427480153420CLIMBING
2020-09-11 01:17:5223326280013730CRUISE
2020-09-11 01:18:522222498141406-1CRUISE
2020-09-11 01:19:531982248660439-2CRUISE
2020-09-11 01:20:5324528210183521-5CRUISE
2020-09-11 01:21:5327633312935614-10CRUISE
2020-09-11 01:22:5427735216420704-17CRUISE
2020-09-11 01:23:5427635517298754-19CRUISE
2020-09-11 01:24:5527735617300793-19CRUISE
2020-09-11 01:25:5527735617300833-19CRUISE
2020-09-11 01:26:5627737019743907-24CRUISE
2020-09-11 01:27:5627738622601986-29CRUISE
2020-09-11 01:28:57277402251341061-34CRUISE
2020-09-11 01:29:57292428260011121-36CRUISE
2020-09-11 01:30:58292427259991161-36CRUISE
2020-09-11 01:31:58292428259991202-36CRUISE
2020-09-11 01:32:59292428259991242-36CRUISE
2020-09-11 01:33:59289421259951280-36CRUISE
2020-09-11 01:34:59284416260021317-36CRUISE
2020-09-11 01:36:00282410256021348-35CRUISE
2020-09-11 01:37:00280393232801355-31DESCEND
2020-09-11 01:38:01279379209321361-26DESCEND
2020-09-11 01:39:01279365186431369-21DESCEND
2020-09-11 01:40:02280354167411368-20DESCEND
2020-09-11 01:41:02279342145391376-16DESCEND
2020-09-11 01:42:03279331123981384-12DESCEND
2020-09-11 01:43:03277318103501393-8DESCEND
2020-09-11 01:44:0423927499981408-8DESCEND
2020-09-11 01:45:0423627093431366-3DESCEND
2020-09-11 01:46:0422725381671377-1DESCEND
2020-09-11 01:47:05187205692513891DESCEND
2020-09-11 01:48:05167184615114092DESCEND
2020-09-11 01:49:06152166550214454DESCEND
2020-09-11 01:50:06154165486215015DESCEND
2020-09-11 01:51:07143152403815387DESCEND
2020-09-11 01:52:07143150322215778DESCEND
2020-09-11 01:53:0870296115939DESCEND
2020-09-11 01:54:0898296116089AT THE GATE