Flight Details



Pilot: GLD844 Bruno S. Aircraft: CARENADO C208_GRAND_CARAVAN_XP11_V1.0 GOLD VIRTUAL AIRLINES - 4 ANOS Distance: 120NM
From: CYHZ To: CYSJ Duration: 0.82
Validation: Valid Tipo: Charter Tail Number: D-ABIB
ZFW: 2086 Block Fuel/Init FOB 145flight_details.php/0 Flight Fuel 139
Passengers: 13 Cargo: 0 Alternate:
Departure Time: 2100 Cruise Speed: N0180 Flight Level: A025
Flight Type: VFR Aircraft Type: C208 Weight Unit: Kg
Date: 04/08/2019 Comments: Network: VATSIM
Crash: No Validator Comments: Rating 108.969


ROUTE DCT 4500N06409W 4508N06452W DCT


Crash OK Beacon Lights off with engine on OK Speed above 250KIAS below 10.000ft OK
Landing Lights OFF below 10.000ft Fault Landing Lights ON above 10.000ft OK Stall OK
Overspeed OK Pause OK Refuel OK
Slew OK Taxi Lights OFF during taxi OK Land Lights OFF during take off OK
Landing Lights OFF during landing OK Landed in not planned airfield OK Taxi speed above 25 kt OK
Incorrect QNH during take off OK Incorrect QNH during landing OK


Wind: 318º/10 kt Heading: 31
VS: -156.1 ft/min IAS: 57.99 kt
Gforce: 1.6 G Bank: -2.9
Pitch 5.7 Flaps 30
Nav Lights ON Landing Lights ON
Beacon Lights ON Strobe Lights ON




2019-08-04 21:05:27 SIM ACARS version 1.4.00476
2019-08-04 21:05:27 BOARDING0476
2019-08-04 21:05:27 FLAPS EXTENSION 67 % 0476
2019-08-04 21:05:27 STARTING ENGINE 1 0476
2019-08-04 21:05:55 TAXI TO THE RWY 7475
2019-08-04 21:07:02 ROLLING FOR TAKE OFF45478
2019-08-04 21:07:08 TAKE OFF73479
2019-08-04 21:07:08 LANDING73478
2019-08-04 21:07:14 TAKE OFF89522
2019-08-04 21:07:31 FLAPS EXTENSION 33 % 88919
2019-08-04 21:07:36 FLAPS EXTENSION 0 % 100949
2019-08-04 21:07:58 LIGHTS OFF BELOW 10000 ft1191360
2019-08-04 21:09:18 CRUISE1552495
2019-08-04 21:43:30 DESCEND1602349
2019-08-04 21:45:20 CRUISE1581901
2019-08-04 21:54:26 FLAPS EXTENSION 33 % 1161865
2019-08-04 21:55:43 FLAPS EXTENSION 67 % 951823
2019-08-04 21:56:10 DESCEND801618
2019-08-04 21:56:49 FLAPS EXTENSION 100 % 771206
2019-08-04 21:58:05 LANDING58321
2019-08-04 21:58:29 TAXI TO THE GATE20334
2019-08-04 21:59:01 FLAPS EXTENSION 67 % 9332
2019-08-04 21:59:02 FLAPS EXTENSION 33 % 9332
2019-08-04 21:59:02 FLAPS EXTENSION 0 % 8332
2019-08-04 22:02:17 STOPPING ENGINE 1 1321


2019-08-04 21:06:2750476123TAXI TO THE RWY
2019-08-04 21:07:278683852423CLIMBING
2019-08-04 21:08:271201142055720CLIMBING
2019-08-04 21:09:2715715224941019CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:10:2716315924921319CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:11:2715715424911619CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:12:2715715424911919CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:13:2715715324912219CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:14:2715715324962519CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:15:2715715325042819CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:16:2715715425113119CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:17:2715715425173419CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:18:2715815425213719CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:19:2715715325194019CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:20:2715715425174419CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:21:2715715325154719CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:22:2715715425135019CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:23:2715715325205319CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:24:2715715425185619CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:25:2715715325165919CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:26:2715715325146219CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:27:2715715325126519CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:28:2715715425126819CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:29:2715715425107119CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:30:2715715425097419CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:31:2715715425147719CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:32:2715715325188119CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:33:2715715325238419CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:34:2715715325278719CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:35:2715715325279019CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:36:2715715425189319CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:37:2715715324999619CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:38:2715515124989919CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:39:27154150249910219CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:40:27154150249910519CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:41:27154150249810819CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:42:27154150249811119CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:43:27159155236211419CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:44:27161156204211720DESCEND
2019-08-04 21:45:27156151190012020CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:46:27151143189912220CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:47:27120112189912420CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:48:27117114190112620CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:49:27118110190012820CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:50:27116109190013020CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:51:28116109190013120CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:52:28116110190113320CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:53:28111128190313520CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:54:28115133186913720CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:55:28100117186413920CRUISE
2019-08-04 21:56:288085141114021DESCEND
2019-08-04 21:57:28817271314123DESCEND
2019-08-04 21:58:28221033414224LANDED
2019-08-04 21:59:284233014324TAXI TO THE GATE
2019-08-04 22:00:280732414424TAXI TO THE GATE
2019-08-04 22:01:286332114524TAXI TO THE GATE
2019-08-04 22:02:280032014524TAXI TO THE GATE