Flight Details



Pilot: GLD030 Eduardo A. Aircraft: CARENADO PA28 ARCHER II V3 PT-NUU AERO CLUBE SP Distance: 21NM
From: SBJD To: SDAM Duration: 0.17
Validation: Valid Tipo: Regular Tail Number: PR-GTH
ZFW: 831 Block Fuel/Init FOB 6flight_details.php/0 Flight Fuel 5
Passengers: 4 Cargo: 55 Alternate: SDTF
Departure Time: Cruise Speed: 120 Flight Level: 4500
Flight Type: VFR Aircraft Type: P28A Weight Unit: Kg
Date: 30/04/2019 Comments: Network: IVAO
Crash: No Validator Comments: Rating 120.166




Crash OK Beacon Lights off with engine on OK Speed above 250KIAS below 10.000ft OK
Landing Lights OFF below 10.000ft OK Landing Lights ON above 10.000ft OK Stall OK
Overspeed OK Pause OK Refuel OK
Slew OK Taxi Lights OFF during taxi OK Land Lights OFF during take off OK
Landing Lights OFF during landing OK Landed in not planned airfield OK Taxi speed above 25 kt Fault
Incorrect QNH during take off OK Incorrect QNH during landing OK


Wind: 139º/10 kt Heading: 139
VS: -140.72 ft/min IAS: 73.33 kt
Gforce: 0.9 G Bank: -1
Pitch 3.5 Flaps 22
Nav Lights ON Landing Lights ON
Beacon Lights ON Strobe Lights ON




2019-05-01 01:59:40 SIM ACARS version 1.4.002444
2019-05-01 01:59:40 BOARDING02444
2019-05-01 01:59:40 FLAPS EXTENSION 100 % 02444
2019-05-01 01:59:51 STARTING ENGINE 1 02444
2019-05-01 02:00:24 FLAPS EXTENSION 46 % 02445
2019-05-01 02:00:24 FLAPS EXTENSION 13 % 02445
2019-05-01 02:00:24 FLAPS EXTENSION 4 % 02445
2019-05-01 02:00:24 FLAPS EXTENSION 0 % 02445
2019-05-01 02:02:12 TAXI TO THE RWY 62463
2019-05-01 02:02:28 ROLLING FOR TAKE OFF372458
2019-05-01 02:02:39 TAKE OFF712452
2019-05-01 02:06:19 CRUISE1064478
2019-05-01 02:07:09 CLIMBING1024712
2019-05-01 02:08:29 CRUISE1124552
2019-05-01 02:11:19 DESCEND1164247
2019-05-01 02:12:48 FLAPS EXTENSION 7 % 982325
2019-05-01 02:12:49 FLAPS EXTENSION 9 % 982321
2019-05-01 02:12:49 FLAPS EXTENSION 16 % 982319
2019-05-01 02:12:49 FLAPS EXTENSION 20 % 982315
2019-05-01 02:12:49 FLAPS EXTENSION 20 % 972313
2019-05-01 02:12:49 FLAPS EXTENSION 27 % 972308
2019-05-01 02:12:50 FLAPS EXTENSION 26 % 972296
2019-05-01 02:12:51 FLAPS EXTENSION 29 % 962282
2019-05-01 02:12:51 FLAPS EXTENSION 31 % 962275
2019-05-01 02:12:51 FLAPS EXTENSION 34 % 962274
2019-05-01 02:12:51 FLAPS EXTENSION 35 % 962270
2019-05-01 02:12:51 FLAPS EXTENSION 40 % 962268
2019-05-01 02:12:52 FLAPS EXTENSION 42 % 962265
2019-05-01 02:12:52 FLAPS EXTENSION 43 % 952259
2019-05-01 02:12:52 FLAPS EXTENSION 49 % 952256
2019-05-01 02:12:53 FLAPS EXTENSION 51 % 942237
2019-05-01 02:12:55 FLAPS EXTENSION 52 % 942226
2019-05-01 02:13:02 FLAPS EXTENSION 56 % 892104
2019-05-01 02:13:02 FLAPS EXTENSION 58 % 892101
2019-05-01 02:13:03 FLAPS EXTENSION 62 % 882093
2019-05-01 02:13:05 FLAPS EXTENSION 63 % 862071
2019-05-01 02:13:09 FLAPS EXTENSION 62 % 822036
2019-05-01 02:13:15 LANDING732005
2019-05-01 02:13:19 FLAPS EXTENSION 100 % 682001
2019-05-01 02:13:31 TAXI TO THE GATE201999
2019-05-01 02:13:31 TAXI SPEED ABOVE 25 KTS201999


2019-05-01 02:00:40002444113BOARDING
2019-05-01 02:01:40632455113BOARDING
2019-05-01 02:02:4071822452113CLIMBING
2019-05-01 02:03:40911042950212CLIMBING
2019-05-01 02:04:40911063787211CLIMBING
2019-05-01 02:05:40100119437239CLIMBING
2019-05-01 02:06:40101121461039CRUISE
2019-05-01 02:07:40118138456849CLIMBING
2019-05-01 02:08:40113133455649CRUISE
2019-05-01 02:09:40116136446159CRUISE
2019-05-01 02:10:40113133440859CRUISE
2019-05-01 02:11:401281483915610DESCEND
2019-05-01 02:12:401051202448613DESCEND
2019-05-01 02:13:403141998614TAXI TO THE GATE