Flight Details



Pilot: GLD030 Eduardo A. Aircraft: CARENADO PA28 ARCHER II V3 PT-NUU AERO CLUBE SP Distance: 21NM
From: SBJD To: SDAM Duration: 0.20
Validation: Valid Tipo: Regular Tail Number: PR-GTA
ZFW: 831 Block Fuel/Init FOB 6flight_details.php/0 Flight Fuel 6
Passengers: 3 Cargo: 55 Alternate: SDTF
Departure Time: Cruise Speed: 120 Flight Level: 4500
Flight Type: VFR Aircraft Type: P28A Weight Unit: Kg
Date: 29/10/2019 Comments: Network: IVAO
Crash: No Validator Comments: Rating 110.822




Crash OK Beacon Lights off with engine on Fault Speed above 250KIAS below 10.000ft OK
Landing Lights OFF below 10.000ft OK Landing Lights ON above 10.000ft OK Stall OK
Overspeed OK Pause OK Refuel OK
Slew OK Taxi Lights OFF during taxi OK Land Lights OFF during take off OK
Landing Lights OFF during landing OK Landed in not planned airfield OK Taxi speed above 25 kt OK
Incorrect QNH during take off OK Incorrect QNH during landing OK


Wind: 20º/0 kt Heading: 134
VS: -71.51 ft/min IAS: 63.52 kt
Gforce: 0.9 G Bank: -1.4
Pitch 4.4 Flaps 40
Nav Lights ON Landing Lights ON
Beacon Lights ON Strobe Lights ON




2019-10-30 00:41:09 SIM ACARS version 1.4.002444
2019-10-30 00:41:09 BOARDING02444
2019-10-30 00:42:52 FLAPS EXTENSION 3 % 02443
2019-10-30 00:42:52 FLAPS EXTENSION 45 % 02443
2019-10-30 00:42:52 FLAPS EXTENSION 90 % 02443
2019-10-30 00:42:52 FLAPS EXTENSION 100 % 02443
2019-10-30 00:42:53 FLAPS EXTENSION 91 % 02443
2019-10-30 00:42:53 FLAPS EXTENSION 47 % 02443
2019-10-30 00:42:53 FLAPS EXTENSION 0 % 02443
2019-10-30 00:43:13 STARTING ENGINE 1 02443
2019-10-30 00:43:13 BEACON LIGHT OFF & ENGINE ON02443
2019-10-30 00:45:12 FLAPS EXTENSION 33 % 02451
2019-10-30 00:45:45 TAXI TO THE RWY 82463
2019-10-30 00:46:01 ROLLING FOR TAKE OFF492457
2019-10-30 00:46:08 TAKE OFF642459
2019-10-30 00:46:27 FLAPS EXTENSION 16 % 992375
2019-10-30 00:46:27 FLAPS EXTENSION 21 % 1002374
2019-10-30 00:46:27 FLAPS EXTENSION 0 % 1002373
2019-10-30 00:51:58 CRUISE1035126
2019-10-30 00:54:58 DESCEND1114804
2019-10-30 00:57:20 FLAPS EXTENSION 6 % 1003517
2019-10-30 00:57:20 FLAPS EXTENSION 21 % 1003515
2019-10-30 00:57:20 FLAPS EXTENSION 17 % 1003512
2019-10-30 00:57:20 FLAPS EXTENSION 10 % 1003511
2019-10-30 00:57:21 FLAPS EXTENSION 38 % 1003508
2019-10-30 00:57:21 FLAPS EXTENSION 43 % 993506
2019-10-30 00:57:21 FLAPS EXTENSION 46 % 993502
2019-10-30 00:57:21 FLAPS EXTENSION 59 % 993501
2019-10-30 00:57:21 FLAPS EXTENSION 74 % 993498
2019-10-30 00:57:21 FLAPS EXTENSION 71 % 993494
2019-10-30 00:57:22 FLAPS EXTENSION 95 % 993492
2019-10-30 00:57:22 FLAPS EXTENSION 100 % 983488
2019-10-30 00:57:23 FLAPS EXTENSION 92 % 973460
2019-10-30 00:57:23 FLAPS EXTENSION 100 % 973457
2019-10-30 00:57:24 FLAPS EXTENSION 95 % 963436
2019-10-30 00:57:24 FLAPS EXTENSION 100 % 963429
2019-10-30 00:57:25 FLAPS EXTENSION 87 % 963418
2019-10-30 00:57:25 FLAPS EXTENSION 99 % 953412
2019-10-30 00:57:25 FLAPS EXTENSION 100 % 953406
2019-10-30 00:57:26 FLAPS EXTENSION 93 % 943372
2019-10-30 00:57:26 FLAPS EXTENSION 92 % 943368
2019-10-30 00:57:27 FLAPS EXTENSION 100 % 943362
2019-10-30 00:57:41 FLAPS EXTENSION 98 % 982759
2019-10-30 00:57:42 FLAPS EXTENSION 96 % 982753
2019-10-30 00:57:42 FLAPS EXTENSION 96 % 982744
2019-10-30 00:57:42 FLAPS EXTENSION 97 % 982733
2019-10-30 00:57:42 FLAPS EXTENSION 100 % 982730
2019-10-30 00:57:43 FLAPS EXTENSION 99 % 982698
2019-10-30 00:57:43 FLAPS EXTENSION 96 % 982690
2019-10-30 00:57:43 FLAPS EXTENSION 100 % 982683
2019-10-30 00:57:44 FLAPS EXTENSION 99 % 992649
2019-10-30 00:57:44 FLAPS EXTENSION 100 % 992644
2019-10-30 00:58:17 LANDING642003
2019-10-30 00:58:22 FLAPS EXTENSION 96 % 551999
2019-10-30 00:58:22 FLAPS EXTENSION 100 % 541999
2019-10-30 00:58:24 FLAPS EXTENSION 87 % 461999
2019-10-30 00:58:24 FLAPS EXTENSION 57 % 451999
2019-10-30 00:58:24 FLAPS EXTENSION 27 % 441999
2019-10-30 00:58:24 FLAPS EXTENSION 4 % 431999
2019-10-30 00:58:24 FLAPS EXTENSION 0 % 421999
2019-10-30 00:58:39 TAXI TO THE GATE191998


2019-10-30 00:42:09002443019BOARDING
2019-10-30 00:43:09002443019BOARDING
2019-10-30 00:44:09002443119BOARDING
2019-10-30 00:45:09042449119BOARDING
2019-10-30 00:46:0965622463119CLIMBING
2019-10-30 00:47:0994902814118CLIMBING
2019-10-30 00:48:0990973321221CLIMBING
2019-10-30 00:49:0990983933220CLIMBING
2019-10-30 00:50:0989974478318CLIMBING
2019-10-30 00:51:0987964991317CLIMBING
2019-10-30 00:52:101061175097417CRUISE
2019-10-30 00:53:091101214956417CRUISE
2019-10-30 00:54:091101214869517CRUISE
2019-10-30 00:55:091121224740618DESCEND
2019-10-30 00:56:091201304196619DESCEND
2019-10-30 00:57:091101193647620DESCEND
2019-10-30 00:58:0977812012724DESCEND
2019-10-30 00:59:09001998724TAXI TO THE GATE