Flight Details



Pilot: . Aircraft: Distance: NM
From: To: Duration: 0.00
Validation: Invalid Tipo: Regular Tail Number:
ZFW: Block Fuel/Init FOB 0flight_details.php/0 Flight Fuel 0
Passengers: Cargo: Alternate:
Departure Time: Cruise Speed: Flight Level:
Flight Type: Aircraft Type: Weight Unit:
Date: Comments: Network:
Crash: No Validator Comments: Rating




Crash OK Beacon Lights off with engine on OK Speed above 250KIAS below 10.000ft OK
Landing Lights OFF below 10.000ft OK Landing Lights ON above 10.000ft OK Stall OK
Overspeed OK Pause OK Refuel OK
Slew OK Taxi Lights OFF during taxi OK Land Lights OFF during take off OK
Landing Lights OFF during landing OK Landed in not planned airfield OK Taxi speed above 25 kt OK
Incorrect QNH during take off OK Incorrect QNH during landing OK


Wind: º/ kt Heading:
VS: ft/min IAS: kt
Gforce: G Bank:
Pitch Flaps
Nav Lights OFF Landing Lights OFF
Beacon Lights OFF Strobe Lights OFF




2018-08-10 12:59:43 SIM ACARS version 1.4.0541
2018-08-10 12:59:43 BOARDING541
2018-08-10 13:05:52 STARTING ENGINE 1 241
2018-08-10 13:06:50 STARTING ENGINE 2 041
2018-08-10 13:07:50 FLAPS EXTENSION 12 % 041
2018-08-10 13:09:49 TAXI TO THE RWY 141
2018-08-10 13:09:49 TAXING WITH TAXI LIGHTS OFF141
2018-08-10 13:15:49 ROLLING FOR TAKE OFF4841
2018-08-10 13:16:11 TAKE OFF15943
2018-08-10 13:16:18 GEAR UP169279
2018-08-10 13:16:55 FLAPS EXTENSION 0 % 1921561
2018-08-10 13:37:11 CRUISE22938158
2018-08-10 13:59:01 DESCEND25536876
2018-08-10 14:17:01 CRUISE2074230
2018-08-10 14:17:05 FLAPS EXTENSION 12 % 2054222
2018-08-10 14:17:36 FLAPS EXTENSION 25 % 1834108
2018-08-10 14:17:41 DESCEND1814045
2018-08-10 14:18:00 FLAPS EXTENSION 37 % 1803693
2018-08-10 14:19:40 GEAR DOWN1502147
2018-08-10 14:19:43 FLAPS EXTENSION 50 % 1502128
2018-08-10 14:19:55 FLAPS EXTENSION 62 % 1472043
2018-08-10 14:20:11 FLAPS EXTENSION 75 % 1491961
2018-08-10 14:20:33 FLAPS EXTENSION 87 % 1461581
2018-08-10 14:20:43 FLAPS EXTENSION 100 % 1471463
2018-08-10 14:22:07 LANDING13957
2018-08-10 14:22:41 TAXI TO THE GATE2056
2018-08-10 14:22:51 FLAPS EXTENSION 87 % 1456
2018-08-10 14:22:51 FLAPS EXTENSION 75 % 1456
2018-08-10 14:22:52 FLAPS EXTENSION 62 % 1456
2018-08-10 14:22:52 FLAPS EXTENSION 50 % 1456
2018-08-10 14:22:52 FLAPS EXTENSION 37 % 1456
2018-08-10 14:22:52 FLAPS EXTENSION 25 % 1456
2018-08-10 14:22:52 FLAPS EXTENSION 12 % 1356
2018-08-10 14:22:53 FLAPS EXTENSION 0 % 1356