Detalhes do Voo



Piloto: GLD1104 Diego F. Aeronave: PILATUS PC-12 N4657 Distância: 240NM
Origem: SBPK Destino: SBTR Duração: 0.98
Validação: Validado Tipo: Regular Matrícula: PR-GPA
ZFW: 3736 Block Fuel/Init FOB 234/0 Combustível em Voo 228
Passageiros: 9 Carga: 983 Alternativo: SSCN
Hora da Decolagem: Velocidade de Cruzeiro: 250 Nível de Voo: F070
Regra Visual: IFR ICAO da Aeronave: PC12 Unidade de Peso: Kg
Data: 10/05/2020 Observação: Rede: VATSIM
Acidentou?: Não Comentários do Validador: Pontuação do Voo 130.448




Acidente OK Beacon Lights desligadas e motores ligados OK Vel. acima de 250KIAS abaixo de 10.000ft OK
Landing Lights OFF abaixo de 10.000ft OK Landing Lights ON acima de 10.000ft OK Stall OK
Excesso de Velocidade OK Voo Pausado OK Reabastecimento OK
Slew detectado OK Taxi Lights off durante o táxi OK Land Lights Off durante a decolagem OK
Landing Lights OFF durante o pouso OK Pouso em Aeródromo não planejado OK Velocidade do Taxi acima de 25 kt OK
Altímetro incorreto durante a decolagem OK Altímetro incorreto durante o pouso OK


Vento durante o pouso: 98º/7 kt Proa durante o pouso: 308
V/S do Pouso: -123.03 ft/min IAS do Pouso: 88.91 kt
Força G no pouso: 1.3 G Bank no pouso: -1.2
Pitch no Pouso 0.5 Flaps no Pouso 40
Nav Lights ON Landing Lights ON
Beacon Lights ON Strobe Lights ON




2020-05-10 22:11:26 SIM ACARS version 1.4.0060
2020-05-10 22:11:26 BOARDING060
2020-05-10 22:23:54 STARTING ENGINE 1 260
2020-05-10 22:23:54 STARTING ENGINE 2 260
2020-05-10 22:23:54 STARTING ENGINE 3 260
2020-05-10 22:23:57 STOPPING ENGINE 1 260
2020-05-10 22:23:57 STOPPING ENGINE 2 260
2020-05-10 22:23:57 STOPPING ENGINE 3 260
2020-05-10 22:24:00 STARTING ENGINE 2 260
2020-05-10 22:24:00 STARTING ENGINE 3 260
2020-05-10 22:24:00 STARTING ENGINE 1 260
2020-05-10 22:24:18 STOPPING ENGINE 2 260
2020-05-10 22:27:25 FLAPS EXTENSION 33 % 360
2020-05-10 22:27:27 FLAPS EXTENSION 67 % 460
2020-05-10 22:27:42 TAXI TO THE RWY 760
2020-05-10 22:28:50 FLAPS EXTENSION 33 % 1660
2020-05-10 22:30:05 ROLLING FOR TAKE OFF4260
2020-05-10 22:30:32 TAKE OFF11860
2020-05-10 22:30:32 LANDING11960
2020-05-10 22:30:36 TAKE OFF123109
2020-05-10 22:30:46 GEAR UP105413
2020-05-10 22:30:53 FLAPS EXTENSION 0 % 106520
2020-05-10 22:32:50 STARTING ENGINE 2 1793399
2020-05-10 22:32:55 STOPPING ENGINE 2 1893387
2020-05-10 22:33:02 STARTING ENGINE 2 1983382
2020-05-10 22:33:05 STOPPING ENGINE 2 2023384
2020-05-10 22:33:10 STARTING ENGINE 2 2073390
2020-05-10 22:33:12 CRUISE2083395
2020-05-10 22:33:12 STOPPING ENGINE 2 2093402
2020-05-10 22:33:17 STARTING ENGINE 2 2123446
2020-05-10 22:33:19 STOPPING ENGINE 2 2133463
2020-05-10 22:33:24 STARTING ENGINE 2 2153515
2020-05-10 22:33:27 STOPPING ENGINE 2 2163551
2020-05-10 22:33:30 STARTING ENGINE 2 2163618
2020-05-10 22:33:32 STOPPING ENGINE 2 2163650
2020-05-10 22:33:37 STARTING ENGINE 2 2163744
2020-05-10 22:33:39 STOPPING ENGINE 2 2153778
2020-05-10 22:33:42 CLIMBING2153837
2020-05-10 22:33:43 STARTING ENGINE 2 2153869
2020-05-10 22:33:45 STOPPING ENGINE 2 2153910
2020-05-10 22:33:50 STARTING ENGINE 2 2144026
2020-05-10 22:33:51 STOPPING ENGINE 2 2134072
2020-05-10 22:33:56 STARTING ENGINE 2 2124200
2020-05-10 22:33:58 STOPPING ENGINE 2 2114247
2020-05-10 22:34:03 STARTING ENGINE 2 2104375
2020-05-10 22:34:05 STOPPING ENGINE 2 2094425
2020-05-10 22:34:11 STARTING ENGINE 2 2084556
2020-05-10 22:34:13 STOPPING ENGINE 2 2084608
2020-05-10 22:34:18 STARTING ENGINE 2 2074740
2020-05-10 22:34:20 STOPPING ENGINE 2 2064792
2020-05-10 22:34:26 STARTING ENGINE 2 2064925
2020-05-10 22:34:28 STOPPING ENGINE 2 2054976
2020-05-10 22:34:33 STARTING ENGINE 2 2045112
2020-05-10 22:34:35 STOPPING ENGINE 2 2045164
2020-05-10 22:34:41 STARTING ENGINE 2 2045301
2020-05-10 22:34:43 STOPPING ENGINE 2 2035354
2020-05-10 22:34:49 STARTING ENGINE 2 2035493
2020-05-10 22:34:51 STOPPING ENGINE 2 2035545
2020-05-10 22:34:57 STARTING ENGINE 2 2025683
2020-05-10 22:34:59 STOPPING ENGINE 2 2025737
2020-05-10 22:35:05 STARTING ENGINE 2 2015875
2020-05-10 22:35:08 STOPPING ENGINE 2 2015931
2020-05-10 22:36:42 CRUISE2316978
2020-05-10 23:17:02 DESCEND2526798
2020-05-10 23:21:22 CRUISE2544976
2020-05-10 23:23:52 DESCEND2504886
2020-05-10 23:26:40 GEAR DOWN1892746
2020-05-10 23:27:20 FLAPS EXTENSION 33 % 1352075
2020-05-10 23:27:32 CRUISE1092101
2020-05-10 23:27:45 FLAPS EXTENSION 67 % 1021995
2020-05-10 23:28:32 DESCEND1131765
2020-05-10 23:29:53 FLAPS EXTENSION 100 % 104405
2020-05-10 23:30:32 CRUISE9138
2020-05-10 23:30:33 LANDING8934
2020-05-10 23:31:00 TAXI TO THE GATE2035
2020-05-10 23:31:10 FLAPS EXTENSION 67 % 1937
2020-05-10 23:31:11 FLAPS EXTENSION 33 % 2037
2020-05-10 23:31:11 FLAPS EXTENSION 0 % 2037
2020-05-10 23:33:03 STOPPING ENGINE 1 040
2020-05-10 23:33:03 STOPPING ENGINE 3 040


2020-05-10 22:12:262059123BOARDING
2020-05-10 22:13:262059123BOARDING
2020-05-10 22:14:262059123BOARDING
2020-05-10 22:15:262059123BOARDING
2020-05-10 22:16:262059123BOARDING
2020-05-10 22:17:262059123BOARDING
2020-05-10 22:18:262059123BOARDING
2020-05-10 22:19:262059123BOARDING
2020-05-10 22:20:262059123BOARDING
2020-05-10 22:21:262059123BOARDING
2020-05-10 22:22:262059123BOARDING
2020-05-10 22:23:262059123BOARDING
2020-05-10 22:24:262059123BOARDING
2020-05-10 22:25:263159123BOARDING
2020-05-10 22:26:261459123BOARDING
2020-05-10 22:27:263659123BOARDING
2020-05-10 22:28:26131659123TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-05-10 22:29:2691159223TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-05-10 22:30:2610811060423TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-05-10 22:31:261291281350820CLIMBING
2020-05-10 22:32:2613312933391316CLIMBING
2020-05-10 22:33:2621521535371716CRUISE
2020-05-10 22:34:2620520549332113CLIMBING
2020-05-10 22:35:2620020163602510CLIMBING
2020-05-10 22:36:262232286977299CLIMBING
2020-05-10 22:37:262412466982349CRUISE
2020-05-10 22:38:262452506983389CRUISE
2020-05-10 22:39:262462516983429CRUISE
2020-05-10 22:40:262462516982469CRUISE
2020-05-10 22:41:262462516982509CRUISE
2020-05-10 22:42:262462516981549CRUISE
2020-05-10 22:43:262462516981589CRUISE
2020-05-10 22:44:262442516981639CRUISE
2020-05-10 22:45:262442546981679CRUISE
2020-05-10 22:46:262442576985719CRUISE
2020-05-10 22:47:262462596985759CRUISE
2020-05-10 22:48:262462596985799CRUISE
2020-05-10 22:49:262462596984839CRUISE
2020-05-10 22:50:262462596983889CRUISE
2020-05-10 22:51:262462596983929CRUISE
2020-05-10 22:52:262462596983969CRUISE
2020-05-10 22:53:2624625969831009CRUISE
2020-05-10 22:54:2624625969821049CRUISE
2020-05-10 22:55:2624625969821089CRUISE
2020-05-10 22:56:2624625969821109CRUISE
2020-05-10 22:57:2624625969831149CRUISE
2020-05-10 22:58:2624625969831189CRUISE
2020-05-10 22:59:2624625969821229CRUISE
2020-05-10 23:00:2624625969821278CRUISE
2020-05-10 23:01:2624626369811317CRUISE
2020-05-10 23:02:2624526469811356CRUISE
2020-05-10 23:03:2624526569811396CRUISE
2020-05-10 23:04:2624528269831436CRUISE
2020-05-10 23:05:2624528969821476CRUISE
2020-05-10 23:06:2624629069821516CRUISE
2020-05-10 23:07:2624427170051567CRUISE
2020-05-10 23:08:2624626069821606CRUISE
2020-05-10 23:09:2624626469811646CRUISE
2020-05-10 23:10:2624626469821686CRUISE
2020-05-10 23:11:2624626469811726CRUISE
2020-05-10 23:12:2624626469851766CRUISE
2020-05-10 23:13:2624626569851806CRUISE
2020-05-10 23:14:2624726569851856CRUISE
2020-05-10 23:15:2624726569851896CRUISE
2020-05-10 23:16:2624726569851936CRUISE
2020-05-10 23:17:2625427166111977DESCEND
2020-05-10 23:18:2625627161612018DESCEND
2020-05-10 23:19:2625728656882059DESCEND
2020-05-10 23:20:26258292524420910DESCEND
2020-05-10 23:21:26253280497521310CRUISE
2020-05-10 23:22:26248258496521710CRUISE
2020-05-10 23:23:26247255497222110CRUISE
2020-05-10 23:24:26240248475022411DESCEND
2020-05-10 23:25:26231238383322613DESCEND
2020-05-10 23:26:26200203281122715DESCEND
2020-05-10 23:27:26125118205822716DESCEND
2020-05-10 23:28:26112109184723017CRUISE
2020-05-10 23:29:2610410381923219DESCEND
2020-05-10 23:30:2696947223320DESCEND
2020-05-10 23:31:26983723420TAXI TO THE GATE
2020-05-10 23:32:26234023520TAXI TO THE GATE
2020-05-10 23:33:26004023520TAXI TO THE GATE
2020-05-10 23:34:26004023520TAXI TO THE GATE