Detalhes do Voo



Piloto: GLD879 Adalberto L. Aeronave: BOEING B737-800 TEXTURAS GOLD - BOEING 737-800 - ZIBO (X-PLANE 10 E 11) - 5 ANOS Distância: 417NM
Origem: KMKE Destino: KINL Duração: 1.34
Validação: Validado Tipo: Regular Matrícula: PR-GBG
ZFW: 47058 Block Fuel/Init FOB 4,630/0 Combustível em Voo 4,388
Passageiros: 169 Carga: 20679 Alternativo: CYXL
Hora da Decolagem: Velocidade de Cruzeiro: 320 Nível de Voo: FL180
Regra Visual: IFR ICAO da Aeronave: B738 Unidade de Peso: Kg
Data: 23/09/2019 Observação: Rede: IVAO
Acidentou?: Não Comentários do Validador: Pontuação do Voo 94.05




Acidente OK Beacon Lights desligadas e motores ligados OK Vel. acima de 250KIAS abaixo de 10.000ft OK
Landing Lights OFF abaixo de 10.000ft OK Landing Lights ON acima de 10.000ft OK Stall OK
Excesso de Velocidade OK Voo Pausado OK Reabastecimento OK
Slew detectado OK Taxi Lights off durante o táxi Falhou Land Lights Off durante a decolagem OK
Landing Lights OFF durante o pouso OK Pouso em Aeródromo não planejado OK Velocidade do Taxi acima de 25 kt OK
Altímetro incorreto durante a decolagem OK Altímetro incorreto durante o pouso OK


Vento durante o pouso: 355º/0 kt Proa durante o pouso: 89
V/S do Pouso: -510.58 ft/min IAS do Pouso: 131.27 kt
Força G no pouso: 1.1 G Bank no pouso: 0.2
Pitch no Pouso 4 Flaps no Pouso 48
Nav Lights ON Landing Lights ON
Beacon Lights ON Strobe Lights OFF




2019-09-24 00:03:06 SIM ACARS version 1.4.116685
2019-09-24 00:03:06 BOARDING16685
2019-09-24 00:03:06 TAXI TO THE RWY 16685
2019-09-24 00:03:06 TAXING WITH TAXI LIGHTS OFF16685
2019-09-24 00:03:06 FLAPS EXTENSION 12 % 16685
2019-09-24 00:03:06 STARTING ENGINE 1 16685
2019-09-24 00:03:07 STARTING ENGINE 2 16685
2019-09-24 00:03:47 FLAPS EXTENSION 25 % 14691
2019-09-24 00:03:48 FLAPS EXTENSION 37 % 14691
2019-09-24 00:06:08 FLAPS EXTENSION 50 % 0700
2019-09-24 00:06:08 FLAPS EXTENSION 62 % 0700
2019-09-24 00:06:09 FLAPS EXTENSION 75 % 0700
2019-09-24 00:06:38 FLAPS EXTENSION 62 % 0700
2019-09-24 00:07:01 ROLLING FOR TAKE OFF38698
2019-09-24 00:07:25 TAKE OFF160681
2019-09-24 00:07:30 GEAR UP176723
2019-09-24 00:08:08 FLAPS EXTENSION 50 % 1932072
2019-09-24 00:08:37 FLAPS EXTENSION 37 % 1962667
2019-09-24 00:10:14 FLAPS EXTENSION 25 % 1954480
2019-09-24 00:10:58 FLAPS EXTENSION 12 % 1955284
2019-09-24 00:11:59 FLAPS EXTENSION 0 % 1956477
2019-09-24 00:15:15 CRUISE19710024
2019-09-24 00:15:55 CLIMBING21510667
2019-09-24 00:21:45 CRUISE32018003
2019-09-24 01:04:15 DESCEND31517463
2019-09-24 01:08:35 CRUISE1859905
2019-09-24 01:10:45 DESCEND1939276
2019-09-24 01:11:37 FLAPS EXTENSION 12 % 1967654
2019-09-24 01:11:40 FLAPS EXTENSION 25 % 1977549
2019-09-24 01:14:25 CRUISE1773420
2019-09-24 01:16:15 FLAPS EXTENSION 37 % 1793420
2019-09-24 01:16:15 FLAPS EXTENSION 50 % 1793420
2019-09-24 01:23:03 FLAPS EXTENSION 62 % 1603443
2019-09-24 01:25:16 GEAR DOWN1593413
2019-09-24 01:25:55 DESCEND1613154
2019-09-24 01:27:05 CRUISE1632740
2019-09-24 01:27:35 DESCEND1492533
2019-09-24 01:28:15 CRUISE1492472
2019-09-24 01:28:36 FLAPS EXTENSION 75 % 1502438
2019-09-24 01:29:08 FLAPS EXTENSION 87 % 1482414
2019-09-24 01:29:13 FLAPS EXTENSION 100 % 1462383
2019-09-24 01:29:25 DESCEND1432207
2019-09-24 01:30:23 LANDING1311170
2019-09-24 01:30:54 FLAPS EXTENSION 87 % 331181
2019-09-24 01:30:54 FLAPS EXTENSION 75 % 331181
2019-09-24 01:30:55 FLAPS EXTENSION 62 % 331181
2019-09-24 01:30:55 FLAPS EXTENSION 50 % 331181
2019-09-24 01:30:55 FLAPS EXTENSION 37 % 331182
2019-09-24 01:30:55 FLAPS EXTENSION 25 % 331182
2019-09-24 01:30:56 FLAPS EXTENSION 12 % 331182
2019-09-24 01:30:56 FLAPS EXTENSION 0 % 331182
2019-09-24 01:31:05 TAXI TO THE GATE201183


2019-09-24 00:04:0612126922119TAXI TO THE RWY
2019-09-24 00:05:0614147004719TAXI TO THE RWY
2019-09-24 00:06:06106996319TAXI TO THE RWY
2019-09-24 00:07:06616969511419TAXI TO THE RWY
2019-09-24 00:08:06192201201325916CLIMBING
2019-09-24 00:09:06194194311536114CLIMBING
2019-09-24 00:10:06194195427145812CLIMBING
2019-09-24 00:11:0619619854065469CLIMBING
2019-09-24 00:12:0619520065886257CLIMBING
2019-09-24 00:13:0619419977616962CLIMBING
2019-09-24 00:14:061942009046771-1CLIMBING
2019-09-24 00:15:0619820610006838-3CLIMBING
2019-09-24 00:16:0622924611015917-5CLIMBING
2019-09-24 00:17:06304340129831038-9CLIMBING
2019-09-24 00:18:06320363145731122-11CLIMBING
2019-09-24 00:19:06319368156611190-14CLIMBING
2019-09-24 00:20:06319373167281256-16CLIMBING
2019-09-24 00:21:06320379179821328-18CLIMBING
2019-09-24 00:22:06319379180011376-18CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:23:06320380180451425-18CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:24:06319379179821471-18CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:25:06320379179791520-18CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:26:06320382179801569-18CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:27:06319379179761617-18CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:28:06320379179821665-18CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:29:06319379179881713-18CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:30:06319380179831762-19CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:31:06319380179881810-19CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:32:06320380179921858-19CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:33:06320380179911906-19CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:34:06320380180141954-19CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:35:06319380179822001-19CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:36:06320383179832046-19CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:37:06320381179752093-19CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:38:06320381179762141-19CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:39:06320381179752189-19CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:40:06319381179802238-19CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:41:06319381179792286-19CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:42:06320380179782333-20CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:43:06319384179872383-21CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:44:06319384179672430-21CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:45:06319384179662478-21CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:46:06319384179652525-21CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:47:06319384179642573-21CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:48:06320387179772623-20CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:49:06319388179622672-18CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:50:06319388179592720-18CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:51:06320388179632768-18CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:52:06319388179632816-18CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:53:06319388179592863-19CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:54:06320387179652910-21CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:55:06319386179642957-22CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:56:06319386179633005-22CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:57:06320391179143055-20CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:58:06320391179083102-19CRUISE
2019-09-24 00:59:06320394178893150-19CRUISE
2019-09-24 01:00:06319395179293199-18CRUISE
2019-09-24 01:01:06319395179333247-18CRUISE
2019-09-24 01:02:06320395179333295-18CRUISE
2019-09-24 01:03:06320398179223344-19CRUISE
2019-09-24 01:04:06318393177433387-20CRUISE
2019-09-24 01:05:06253302156873388-17DESCEND
2019-09-24 01:06:06221256136153390-13DESCEND
2019-09-24 01:07:06207233115983394-9DESCEND
2019-09-24 01:08:0619321098783400-6DESCEND
2019-09-24 01:09:0618920799143459-5CRUISE
2019-09-24 01:10:0618820799183518-4CRUISE
2019-09-24 01:11:0619421086323543-2DESCEND
2019-09-24 01:12:06188198681035501DESCEND
2019-09-24 01:13:06184191489435595DESCEND
2019-09-24 01:14:06173178346635758DESCEND
2019-09-24 01:15:06179184346936427CRUISE
2019-09-24 01:16:06180184342337047CRUISE
2019-09-24 01:17:06179183345837837CRUISE
2019-09-24 01:18:06180184346938667CRUISE
2019-09-24 01:19:06180184346339307CRUISE
2019-09-24 01:20:06170173338339857CRUISE
2019-09-24 01:21:06169172343440487CRUISE
2019-09-24 01:22:06159162342741037CRUISE
2019-09-24 01:23:06160163343341617CRUISE
2019-09-24 01:24:06160163343742255CRUISE
2019-09-24 01:25:06159161337942875CRUISE
2019-09-24 01:26:06160162302743446DESCEND
2019-09-24 01:27:06163165273944046CRUISE
2019-09-24 01:28:06148151246344497DESCEND
2019-09-24 01:29:06149150242545177CRUISE
2019-09-24 01:30:06141142141545529DESCEND
2019-09-24 01:31:061918118345849TAXI TO THE GATE
2019-09-24 01:32:0679118245999TAXI TO THE GATE
2019-09-24 01:33:061113117946199TAXI TO THE GATE