Detalhes do Voo



Piloto: GLD1075 Erick S. Aeronave: GOLD 5 ANOS Distância: 62NM
Origem: SBMT Destino: SBST Duração: 0.51
Validação: Validado Tipo: Regular Matrícula: PR-GTB
ZFW: 1043 Block Fuel/Init FOB 16/0 Combustível em Voo 14
Passageiros: 3 Carga: 55 Alternativo: SBMT
Hora da Decolagem: Velocidade de Cruzeiro: 110 Nível de Voo: 4500
Regra Visual: VFR ICAO da Aeronave: P28A Unidade de Peso: Kg
Data: 11/11/2019 Observação: Rede: VATSIM
Acidentou?: Não Comentários do Validador: Pontuação do Voo 106.6




Acidente OK Beacon Lights desligadas e motores ligados OK Vel. acima de 250KIAS abaixo de 10.000ft OK
Landing Lights OFF abaixo de 10.000ft OK Landing Lights ON acima de 10.000ft OK Stall Falhou
Excesso de Velocidade OK Voo Pausado OK Reabastecimento OK
Slew detectado OK Taxi Lights off durante o táxi OK Land Lights Off durante a decolagem OK
Landing Lights OFF durante o pouso OK Pouso em Aeródromo não planejado OK Velocidade do Taxi acima de 25 kt OK
Altímetro incorreto durante a decolagem OK Altímetro incorreto durante o pouso OK


Vento durante o pouso: 23º/0 kt Proa durante o pouso: 184
V/S do Pouso: -392.16 ft/min IAS do Pouso: 73.83 kt
Força G no pouso: 1.7 G Bank no pouso: -0.6
Pitch no Pouso 1.7 Flaps no Pouso 10
Nav Lights ON Landing Lights ON
Beacon Lights ON Strobe Lights ON




2019-11-11 04:19:36 SIM ACARS version 1.4.002381
2019-11-11 04:19:36 BOARDING02381
2019-11-11 04:22:16 STARTING ENGINE 1 02381
2019-11-11 04:26:55 TAXI TO THE RWY 82379
2019-11-11 04:33:16 ROLLING FOR TAKE OFF392382
2019-11-11 04:33:24 TAKE OFF702380
2019-11-11 04:33:42 GEAR UP902593
2019-11-11 04:36:04 CRUISE1294166
2019-11-11 04:40:14 CLIMBING1124076
2019-11-11 04:40:44 CRUISE1173996
2019-11-11 04:58:24 DESCEND1193705
2019-11-11 05:01:08 STOPPING ENGINE 1 941347
2019-11-11 05:01:08 STARTING ENGINE 1 941345
2019-11-11 05:01:08 STOPPING ENGINE 1 951339
2019-11-11 05:01:08 STARTING ENGINE 1 951338
2019-11-11 05:01:09 STOPPING ENGINE 1 951332
2019-11-11 05:01:09 STARTING ENGINE 1 951330
2019-11-11 05:01:09 STOPPING ENGINE 1 941325
2019-11-11 05:01:09 STARTING ENGINE 1 941324
2019-11-11 05:01:10 STOPPING ENGINE 1 941319
2019-11-11 05:01:10 STARTING ENGINE 1 941318
2019-11-11 05:01:10 STOPPING ENGINE 1 941314
2019-11-11 05:01:10 STARTING ENGINE 1 941313
2019-11-11 05:01:11 STOPPING ENGINE 1 941309
2019-11-11 05:01:11 STARTING ENGINE 1 941307
2019-11-11 05:01:11 STOPPING ENGINE 1 941304
2019-11-11 05:01:12 STARTING ENGINE 1 941302
2019-11-11 05:01:12 STOPPING ENGINE 1 941299
2019-11-11 05:01:12 STARTING ENGINE 1 941298
2019-11-11 05:01:13 STOPPING ENGINE 1 941293
2019-11-11 05:01:13 STARTING ENGINE 1 941292
2019-11-11 05:01:13 STOPPING ENGINE 1 931288
2019-11-11 05:01:13 STARTING ENGINE 1 931287
2019-11-11 05:01:13 STOPPING ENGINE 1 931284
2019-11-11 05:01:14 STARTING ENGINE 1 931282
2019-11-11 05:01:14 STOPPING ENGINE 1 931278
2019-11-11 05:01:14 STARTING ENGINE 1 931276
2019-11-11 05:01:15 STOPPING ENGINE 1 931272
2019-11-11 05:01:15 STARTING ENGINE 1 931271
2019-11-11 05:01:15 STOPPING ENGINE 1 931267
2019-11-11 05:01:15 STARTING ENGINE 1 931265
2019-11-11 05:01:16 STOPPING ENGINE 1 931261
2019-11-11 05:01:16 STARTING ENGINE 1 931260
2019-11-11 05:01:16 STOPPING ENGINE 1 931256
2019-11-11 05:01:16 STARTING ENGINE 1 931255
2019-11-11 05:01:17 STOPPING ENGINE 1 931252
2019-11-11 05:01:17 STARTING ENGINE 1 931252
2019-11-11 05:01:17 STOPPING ENGINE 1 931249
2019-11-11 05:01:17 STARTING ENGINE 1 931248
2019-11-11 05:01:18 STOPPING ENGINE 1 931246
2019-11-11 05:01:18 STARTING ENGINE 1 931246
2019-11-11 05:01:18 STOPPING ENGINE 1 931244
2019-11-11 05:01:19 STARTING ENGINE 1 931243
2019-11-11 05:01:19 STOPPING ENGINE 1 921242
2019-11-11 05:01:19 STARTING ENGINE 1 921241
2019-11-11 05:01:19 STOPPING ENGINE 1 921240
2019-11-11 05:01:20 STARTING ENGINE 1 921239
2019-11-11 05:01:20 STOPPING ENGINE 1 921237
2019-11-11 05:01:20 STARTING ENGINE 1 921237
2019-11-11 05:01:21 STOPPING ENGINE 1 911235
2019-11-11 05:01:21 STARTING ENGINE 1 911234
2019-11-11 05:01:21 STOPPING ENGINE 1 911233
2019-11-11 05:01:21 STARTING ENGINE 1 911232
2019-11-11 05:01:22 STOPPING ENGINE 1 911230
2019-11-11 05:01:22 STARTING ENGINE 1 911230
2019-11-11 05:01:22 STOPPING ENGINE 1 901227
2019-11-11 05:01:22 STARTING ENGINE 1 901227
2019-11-11 05:01:23 STOPPING ENGINE 1 901224
2019-11-11 05:01:23 STARTING ENGINE 1 901223
2019-11-11 05:01:23 STOPPING ENGINE 1 901221
2019-11-11 05:01:23 STARTING ENGINE 1 901220
2019-11-11 05:01:24 STOPPING ENGINE 1 901217
2019-11-11 05:01:24 STARTING ENGINE 1 901216
2019-11-11 05:01:24 STOPPING ENGINE 1 891213
2019-11-11 05:01:25 STARTING ENGINE 1 891211
2019-11-11 05:01:25 STOPPING ENGINE 1 891208
2019-11-11 05:01:25 STARTING ENGINE 1 891207
2019-11-11 05:01:26 STOPPING ENGINE 1 891204
2019-11-11 05:01:26 STARTING ENGINE 1 891202
2019-11-11 05:01:26 STOPPING ENGINE 1 891199
2019-11-11 05:01:26 STARTING ENGINE 1 891198
2019-11-11 05:02:14 CRUISE951004
2019-11-11 05:03:08 GEAR DOWN105981
2019-11-11 05:03:29 FLAPS EXTENSION 33 % 91667
2019-11-11 05:03:34 DESCEND84618
2019-11-11 05:04:27 LANDING7420
2019-11-11 05:04:39 STOPPING ENGINE 1 4421
2019-11-11 05:04:39 STALL4325
2019-11-11 05:04:40 RECOVER FROM STALL3822
2019-11-11 05:04:56 TAXI TO THE GATE2023


2019-11-11 04:20:36002380021BOARDING
2019-11-11 04:21:36002380021BOARDING
2019-11-11 04:22:36002380021BOARDING
2019-11-11 04:23:36002380021BOARDING
2019-11-11 04:24:36022381021BOARDING
2019-11-11 04:25:36452378021BOARDING
2019-11-11 04:26:36672378021BOARDING
2019-11-11 04:27:36782379121TAXI TO THE RWY
2019-11-11 04:28:3610122382121TAXI TO THE RWY
2019-11-11 04:29:36782386121TAXI TO THE RWY
2019-11-11 04:30:36122389121TAXI TO THE RWY
2019-11-11 04:31:36882385121TAXI TO THE RWY
2019-11-11 04:32:36102382121TAXI TO THE RWY
2019-11-11 04:33:3688912486121CLIMBING
2019-11-11 04:34:361021063622218CLIMBING
2019-11-11 04:35:361231334189317CLIMBING
2019-11-11 04:36:361251333946418CRUISE
2019-11-11 04:37:361061113974418CRUISE
2019-11-11 04:38:361121194024518CRUISE
2019-11-11 04:39:361141234024518CRUISE
2019-11-11 04:40:361171253996518CLIMBING
2019-11-11 04:41:361141233995618CRUISE
2019-11-11 04:42:361081163995618CRUISE
2019-11-11 04:43:361071163992718CRUISE
2019-11-11 04:44:361071163996718CRUISE
2019-11-11 04:45:361121203996818CRUISE
2019-11-11 04:46:361111193997818CRUISE
2019-11-11 04:47:361121193996918CRUISE
2019-11-11 04:48:361111203997918CRUISE
2019-11-11 04:49:361131233996918CRUISE
2019-11-11 04:50:3612013139951018CRUISE
2019-11-11 04:51:3612113239951118CRUISE
2019-11-11 04:52:3612113239961118CRUISE
2019-11-11 04:53:3612113139951218CRUISE
2019-11-11 04:54:3612113239961218CRUISE
2019-11-11 04:55:3612113239961318CRUISE
2019-11-11 04:56:3612113239961318CRUISE
2019-11-11 04:57:3612113039891417CRUISE
2019-11-11 04:58:3612012834791419DESCEND
2019-11-11 04:59:3610010727731420DESCEND
2019-11-11 05:00:3610310917971522DESCEND
2019-11-11 05:01:36909311401524DESCEND
2019-11-11 05:02:361001039931524CRUISE
2019-11-11 05:03:3682845861524DESCEND
2019-11-11 05:04:364949201625LANDED