Flight Details



Pilot: GLD652 Dorival C. Aircraft: PA28-181 Distance: 73NM
From: PGFA To: PGBL Duration: 0.81
Validation: Valid Tipo: Charter Tail Number: PT-GLD
ZFW: 1797 Block Fuel/Init FOB 136flight_details.php/0 Flight Fuel 136
Passengers: 1 Cargo: 52 Alternate: PGCX
Departure Time: 1227 Cruise Speed: 100 Flight Level: 4500
Flight Type: VFR Aircraft Type: P28A Weight Unit: Kg
Date: 13/04/2024 Comments: GOLD ACARS Network: VATSIM
Crash: No Validator Comments: Rating 94.435


ROUTE 611S5828W 632S5928W


Crash OK Beacon Lights off with engine on OK Speed above 250KIAS below 10.000ft OK
Landing Lights OFF below 10.000ft OK Landing Lights ON above 10.000ft OK Stall Fault
Overspeed OK Pause OK Refuel OK
Slew OK Taxi Lights OFF during taxi OK Land Lights OFF during take off OK
Landing Lights OFF during landing OK Landed in not planned airfield OK Taxi speed above 25 kt OK
Incorrect QNH during take off OK Incorrect QNH during landing OK


Wind: 14º/1 kt Heading: 194
VS: -302 ft/min IAS: 54 kt
Gforce: 1.3456 G Bank: -0.16
Pitch 4.33 Flaps 100
Nav Lights OFF Landing Lights ON
Beacon Lights ON Strobe Lights OFF




2024-04-13 12:27:51 GOLD ACARS VERSION
2024-04-13 12:27:51 BOARDING1384
2024-04-13 12:27:51 LITTLENAVMAP ON1384
2024-04-13 12:28:18 LND LIGHTS ON1384
2024-04-13 12:28:19 BCN LIGHTS ON1384
2024-04-13 12:30:53 STARTING ENGINE 11384
2024-04-13 12:33:29 TAXI TO THE RWY5387
2024-04-13 12:35:13 FLAP 33%0393
2024-04-13 12:35:17 FLAP 66%0393
2024-04-13 12:36:28 CLIMBING63454
2024-04-13 12:36:42 CRUISE67587
2024-04-13 12:36:47 FLAP 33%73610
2024-04-13 12:36:52 CLIMBING77641
2024-04-13 12:37:14 CRUISE81866
2024-04-13 12:37:22 CLIMBING88880
2024-04-13 12:37:29 FLAP 0%791024
2024-04-13 12:37:34 CRUISE831070
2024-04-13 12:37:37 LANDING891068
2024-04-13 12:37:46 CLIMBING1001056
2024-04-13 12:37:52 CRUISE1021106
2024-04-13 12:37:54 LANDING1051103
2024-04-13 12:38:06 CLIMBING1151062
2024-04-13 12:38:10 CRUISE1151092
2024-04-13 12:38:19 CLIMBING1171108
2024-04-13 12:38:40 CRUISE1061396
2024-04-13 12:38:54 CLIMBING1141411
2024-04-13 12:39:18 CRUISE1081688
2024-04-13 12:41:40 CLIMBING1131835
2024-04-13 12:42:00 CRUISE1042042
2024-04-13 13:11:13 CLIMBING1102202
2024-04-13 13:11:23 CRUISE912388
2024-04-13 13:11:52 CLIMBING1001907
2024-04-13 13:11:54 CRUISE951925
2024-04-13 13:11:56 LANDING951924
2024-04-13 13:12:01 FLAP 33%1011808
2024-04-13 13:12:08 CLIMBING881756
2024-04-13 13:12:10 CRUISE831774
2024-04-13 13:12:11 LANDING831772
2024-04-13 13:12:49 FLAP 66%741399
2024-04-13 13:13:04 FLAP 100%711214
2024-04-13 13:14:31 STALL61344
2024-04-13 13:14:34 RECOVER FROM STALL57330
2024-04-13 13:14:37 LANDED - VS: -302 ft/min 54329
2024-04-13 13:14:45 TAXI TO THE GATE29326
2024-04-13 13:15:05 FLAP 66%5325
2024-04-13 13:15:06 FLAP 33%6325
2024-04-13 13:15:06 FLAP 0%6325
2024-04-13 13:15:52 AT THE GATE0325
2024-04-13 13:16:10 STOPPING ENGINE 10325
2024-04-13 13:16:36 FLIGHT FINISHED1325


2024-04-13 12:29:5230384027BOARDING
2024-04-13 12:30:5220384027BOARDING
2024-04-13 12:31:5320384027BOARDING
2024-04-13 12:32:5330384027BOARDING
2024-04-13 12:33:5366389027BOARDING
2024-04-13 12:34:5499395027TAXI TO THE RWY
2024-04-13 12:35:5400393027TAXI TO THE RWY
2024-04-13 12:36:557982659127TAXI TO THE RWY
2024-04-13 12:37:551081121096226CLIMBING
2024-04-13 12:38:561151201419324LANDING
2024-04-13 12:39:561101171867423CLIMBING
2024-04-13 12:40:571101161913423CRUISE
2024-04-13 12:41:571031102022522CRUISE
2024-04-13 12:42:571101172275522CLIMBING
2024-04-13 12:43:581111192512621CRUISE
2024-04-13 12:44:581091172767721CRUISE
2024-04-13 12:45:591121192714721CRUISE
2024-04-13 12:46:591111192724821CRUISE
2024-04-13 12:48:001111202712921CRUISE
2024-04-13 12:49:001111192720921CRUISE
2024-04-13 12:50:0111211927281021CRUISE
2024-04-13 12:51:0111111927381021CRUISE
2024-04-13 12:52:0111111927531121CRUISE
2024-04-13 12:53:0211111827621121CRUISE
2024-04-13 12:54:0211111827721221CRUISE
2024-04-13 12:55:0311412127441221CRUISE
2024-04-13 12:56:0311111827421321CRUISE
2024-04-13 12:57:0411111827361421CRUISE
2024-04-13 12:58:0411111927351421CRUISE
2024-04-13 12:59:0511011827601521CRUISE
2024-04-13 13:00:0511212027441521CRUISE
2024-04-13 13:01:0511111826871621CRUISE
2024-04-13 13:02:0611111826331621CRUISE
2024-04-13 13:03:0611011825791722CRUISE
2024-04-13 13:04:0711111825021822CRUISE
2024-04-13 13:05:0711111824731822CRUISE
2024-04-13 13:06:0811011824421922CRUISE
2024-04-13 13:07:0811111823961922CRUISE
2024-04-13 13:08:0911111823592022CRUISE
2024-04-13 13:09:0911111823282022CRUISE
2024-04-13 13:10:1011011723062122CRUISE
2024-04-13 13:11:1011311922222123CRUISE
2024-04-13 13:12:10848617742124CRUISE
2024-04-13 13:13:11717411292127CRUISE
2024-04-13 13:14:1169725472230LANDING
2024-04-13 13:15:1212123262230LANDING
2024-04-13 13:16:12103252230TAXI TO THE GATE