Detalhes do Voo



Piloto: GLD1136 Jair L. Aeronave: Cessna Distância: 68NM
Origem: SBPA Destino: SSMT Duração: 1.02
Validação: Validado Tipo: Charter Matrícula: PT-GLD
ZFW: 1990 Block Fuel/Init FOB 121/0 Combustível em Voo 121
Passageiros: 1 Carga: 27 Alternativo: SBPA
Hora da Decolagem: 1646 Velocidade de Cruzeiro: 100 Nível de Voo: A035
Regra Visual: VFR ICAO da Aeronave: C172 Unidade de Peso: Kg
Data: 20/06/2021 Observação: GOLD ACARS Rede: VATSIM
Acidentou?: Não Comentários do Validador: Pontuação do Voo 113.3


ROTA DCT 3018S5123W /N0100A035 3038S5133W 3054S5130W 3105S5109W DCT


Acidente OK Beacon Lights desligadas e motores ligados OK Vel. acima de 250KIAS abaixo de 10.000ft OK
Landing Lights OFF abaixo de 10.000ft OK Landing Lights ON acima de 10.000ft OK Stall OK
Excesso de Velocidade OK Voo Pausado OK Reabastecimento OK
Slew detectado OK Taxi Lights off durante o táxi OK Land Lights Off durante a decolagem OK
Landing Lights OFF durante o pouso OK Pouso em Aeródromo não planejado OK Velocidade do Taxi acima de 25 kt OK
Altímetro incorreto durante a decolagem OK Altímetro incorreto durante o pouso OK


Vento durante o pouso: 0º/0 kt Proa durante o pouso: 36
V/S do Pouso: -300 ft/min IAS do Pouso: 57 kt
Força G no pouso: 2.4736 G Bank no pouso: -0.18
Pitch no Pouso 1.71 Flaps no Pouso 100
Nav Lights ON Landing Lights ON
Beacon Lights ON Strobe Lights ON




2021-06-20 16:46:11 GOLD ACARS VERSION
2021-06-20 16:46:11 BOARDING015
2021-06-20 16:46:16 BCN LIGHTS ON015
2021-06-20 16:46:19 STARTING ENGINE 1015
2021-06-20 16:46:22 LND LIGHTS ON015
2021-06-20 16:46:23 TAXI LIGHTS ON015
2021-06-20 16:46:24 STB LIGHTS ON015
2021-06-20 16:46:43 TAXI TO THE RWY415
2021-06-20 16:52:29 TAXI LIGHTS OFF015
2021-06-20 16:54:32 CLIMBING8885
2021-06-20 16:54:41 AP ENGAGED95160
2021-06-20 17:01:16 CRUISE933482
2021-06-20 17:21:52 DESCEND1213528
2021-06-20 17:43:38 AP DISENGAGED981286
2021-06-20 17:44:04 FLAP 33%881183
2021-06-20 17:44:40 FLAP 66%66959
2021-06-20 17:46:30 FLAP 100%68286
2021-06-20 17:46:55 LANDED - VS: -300 ft/min 5663
2021-06-20 17:47:02 TAXI TO THE GATE2863
2021-06-20 17:47:10 FLAP 0%063
2021-06-20 17:47:14 STOPPING ENGINE 1063
2021-06-20 17:47:16 AT THE GATE063
2021-06-20 17:47:20 FLIGHT FINISHED063
2021-06-20 16:46:11 GOLD ACARS VERSION
2021-06-20 16:46:11 BOARDING015
2021-06-20 16:46:16 BCN LIGHTS ON015
2021-06-20 16:46:19 STARTING ENGINE 1015
2021-06-20 16:46:22 LND LIGHTS ON015
2021-06-20 16:46:23 TAXI LIGHTS ON015
2021-06-20 16:46:24 STB LIGHTS ON015
2021-06-20 16:46:43 TAXI TO THE RWY415
2021-06-20 16:52:29 TAXI LIGHTS OFF015
2021-06-20 16:54:32 CLIMBING8885
2021-06-20 16:54:41 AP ENGAGED95160
2021-06-20 17:01:16 CRUISE933482
2021-06-20 17:21:52 DESCEND1213528
2021-06-20 17:43:38 AP DISENGAGED981286
2021-06-20 17:44:04 FLAP 33%881183
2021-06-20 17:44:40 FLAP 66%66959
2021-06-20 17:46:30 FLAP 100%68286
2021-06-20 17:46:55 LANDED - VS: -300 ft/min 5663
2021-06-20 17:47:02 TAXI TO THE GATE2863
2021-06-20 17:47:10 FLAP 0%063
2021-06-20 17:47:14 STOPPING ENGINE 1063
2021-06-20 17:47:16 AT THE GATE063
2021-06-20 17:47:20 FLIGHT FINISHED063


2021-06-20 16:47:596615016TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-06-20 16:49:02101015016TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-06-20 16:50:020015016TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-06-20 16:51:060015016TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-06-20 16:52:060015016TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-06-20 16:53:100015016TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-06-20 16:54:10414115016TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-06-20 16:55:149797420015TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-06-20 16:56:159596989114CLIMBING
2021-06-20 16:57:1887891461113CLIMBING
2021-06-20 16:58:1883861975212CLIMBING
2021-06-20 16:59:2286892478211CLIMBING
2021-06-20 17:00:2292963049210CLIMBING
2021-06-20 17:01:2696102350339CLIMBING
2021-06-20 17:02:26111118350139CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:03:30111119350049CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:04:31111119350049CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:05:35111119350059CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:06:36111119350059CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:07:40111119350069CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:08:41112119350069CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:09:47112119350079CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:10:47109116349979CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:11:53109116350089CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:12:55109116350089CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:13:57109116350099CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:14:57109116350099CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:16:03109116350099CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:17:041091163500109CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:18:071091163500109CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:19:081091163496119CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:20:111091163500119CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:21:111091163500129CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:22:151141223478129CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:23:151091163500139DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:24:191091163500139DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:25:191091163500139DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:26:221091163500149DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:27:231091163500149DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:28:291091153502159DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:29:291091153500159DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:30:351091153500169DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:31:351091153500169DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:32:411091153500179DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:33:411091153500179DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:34:451091153500179DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:35:451061133498189DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:36:511051123500189DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:37:511051113500199DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:38:541041103483199DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:39:5511612028101911DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:41:0011611921552012DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:42:01969919932012DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:43:0211011215262013DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:44:02899111892114DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:45:0575769682114DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:46:0676764872115DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:47:101818632116DESCEND
2021-06-20 16:47:596615016TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-06-20 16:49:02101015016TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-06-20 16:50:020015016TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-06-20 16:51:060015016TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-06-20 16:52:060015016TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-06-20 16:53:100015016TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-06-20 16:54:10414115016TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-06-20 16:55:149797420015TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-06-20 16:56:159596989114CLIMBING
2021-06-20 16:57:1887891461113CLIMBING
2021-06-20 16:58:1883861975212CLIMBING
2021-06-20 16:59:2286892478211CLIMBING
2021-06-20 17:00:2292963049210CLIMBING
2021-06-20 17:01:2696102350339CLIMBING
2021-06-20 17:02:26111118350139CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:03:30111119350049CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:04:31111119350049CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:05:35111119350059CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:06:36111119350059CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:07:40111119350069CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:08:41112119350069CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:09:47112119350079CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:10:47109116349979CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:11:53109116350089CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:12:55109116350089CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:13:57109116350099CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:14:57109116350099CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:16:03109116350099CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:17:041091163500109CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:18:071091163500109CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:19:081091163496119CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:20:111091163500119CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:21:111091163500129CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:22:151141223478129CRUISE
2021-06-20 17:23:151091163500139DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:24:191091163500139DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:25:191091163500139DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:26:221091163500149DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:27:231091163500149DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:28:291091153502159DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:29:291091153500159DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:30:351091153500169DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:31:351091153500169DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:32:411091153500179DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:33:411091153500179DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:34:451091153500179DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:35:451061133498189DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:36:511051123500189DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:37:511051113500199DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:38:541041103483199DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:39:5511612028101911DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:41:0011611921552012DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:42:01969919932012DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:43:0211011215262013DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:44:02899111892114DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:45:0575769682114DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:46:0676764872115DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:47:101818632116DESCEND
2021-06-20 17:53:230063016TAXI TO THE GATE